Takes nearly 2 mins to erase the 'History' portion

Hi, I'm using Windows Vista 64-bit fully updated, with Internet Explorer 8, and the latest version of CCleaner.

CCleaner is usually very quick deleting all the detritus, but for some reason it always gets stuck on the 'History' portion of Internet Explorer for a extremely long time, from 1:30-2:00 minutes just on that portion before continuing.

De-selecting 'History' from the list allows for a quick clean cycle.

I never had this problem on Windows XP 32-bit.



Is the "blocking" file named index.dat ?

This bit:


Thanks :)

This bit:


Thanks :)

Has the process been ended?

No apps loaded up, just desktop with CCleaner.

Try this, Clear ie history, from within ie

then surf to two sites

close ie

run only ie history clean (in ccleaner, right click on the word history and choose clean)

does it run faster?

Appears it's not CCleaner related, it takes as long to delete the history from within IE8 as it does with CCleaner. Wonder why that is?

Thanks. :)