system volume info issue

well, i somehow lost all my restore points (defraggler is my main suspect), but i managed to locate one with recuva.

i tried to restore it to C:/system volume information (where it came from), but it ended up making a new folder C:/system volume information/system volume information.

windows can't detect it in there, and i can't delete the folder no matter what i do.

is there any way i can

a. move the file out and/or

b. delete the newly-created folder

help would be appreciated, since this is really annoying me. i'm not getting a permission error, it just won't do anything.

oh, and i'm using vista.


never ever restore to the same drive on which you are recovering from. your attempt mayu have over writen something. restore to a flash drive then copy it to the sysinfo folder. . . if vista with let you

at this point i don't really care about the file, i just want it gone from in there.

there isn't a folder called 'system volume information' in 'system volume information' in there normally, right? it said the creation date was today.

Nope, and honestly if it's not giving you a uac prompt when you try to delete it I'm not sure what else can be done about it being there. You could try to run cmd-prompt as admin and see if you can navigate to that folder and delete it.

alrighty, i'll try that. (i have UAC disabled, so i wouldn't get that anyways)

(i have UAC disabled, so i wouldn't get that anyways

right here could well be the reason you can't do it.