System - Temporary Files Issue


I don't think this is a "Bug" per say in CCleaner but I have a concern. Windows 7 Pro OS, and latest CCleaner Pro update. My shut down procedure is to manually "Delete browsing history" on I.E. 10 and then run ATF cleaner and then CCleaner Pro. I click on CCleaner Pro's "Run Cleaner" button.

There was a time when I only had to click on it once or twice for 0 bytes removed to display. Now a days I can click and click and CCleaner displays "System - Temporary Files" 250 bytes removed 1kb 1 file removed. But if I wait longer than a second or purposely wait a while before I click the "Run Cleaner" button, when I finally do the "System - Temporary File" size removed is enormous. Large MB's.

So something in the OS is running creating "System - Temporary Files". I unplugged the Internet Cat 5 cable and no change. Files continue to generate.

What I would like to do is get the name(s) and location(s) of the folder(s) that you refer to as "System - Temporary Files"

I may have some sort of problem here and I would like to investigate. I'm hoping to get the name of the folders that are associated with "System - Temporary Files" and look inside those folders for some clue as to what app or service is generating these massive temporary files that never stop generating.


Instead of Run Cleaner, click Analyse instead.

Let it complete and when done, double click the System - Temporary Files entry.

All your folders/files will be listed.

Also don't forget, since you have the Pro version, you are entitled to direct support from Piriform.

Thank you MTA.

Following your information, I now have the file name (LWSDebugOut.txt) and I Googled it and found several entries. I copied and Paste this one: "I now note that the lwsdebugout.txt file (in the user's "temp" folder) continues to grow with error messages when the camera is unplugged"

I just installed a web camera and software and I had it unplugged. I let a friend borrow it. When I get it back I'll keep it plugged in.

I'm relieved to know that my concern is a simple fix. Thanks for the information.


It may be a simple fix for you but it's terrible that Logitech still haven't fixed this.

It's been an issue for years apparently.

Those people with SSD are annoyed that it gets written to every 20 seconds when the camera is uplugged.

Example here

my work-around would be to change the system and user environment variables to have the location of all temp folders off the SSD.