I don't think this is a "Bug" per say in CCleaner but I have a concern. Windows 7 Pro OS, and latest CCleaner Pro update. My shut down procedure is to manually "Delete browsing history" on I.E. 10 and then run ATF cleaner and then CCleaner Pro. I click on CCleaner Pro's "Run Cleaner" button.
There was a time when I only had to click on it once or twice for 0 bytes removed to display. Now a days I can click and click and CCleaner displays "System - Temporary Files" 250 bytes removed 1kb 1 file removed. But if I wait longer than a second or purposely wait a while before I click the "Run Cleaner" button, when I finally do the "System - Temporary File" size removed is enormous. Large MB's.
So something in the OS is running creating "System - Temporary Files". I unplugged the Internet Cat 5 cable and no change. Files continue to generate.
What I would like to do is get the name(s) and location(s) of the folder(s) that you refer to as "System - Temporary Files"
I may have some sort of problem here and I would like to investigate. I'm hoping to get the name of the folders that are associated with "System - Temporary Files" and look inside those folders for some clue as to what app or service is generating these massive temporary files that never stop generating.