System Restore

I have found if you setup the "CCleaner" to "Run Cleaner when the Computer Srtarts" and you go and check to see if the Windows "System Restore" has formed a later "Restor" point the System Restore program notifies you "System Restore cannot run untill you restart the computer. Please restart the Computer and then run System Restore again".

Is it possible to have the CCleaner Setup programming to "Run Cleaner when Closing down"????

Love your program!

Currently you can only run CCleaner when starting up which you can do via the CCleaner options. You can request to have it to run when you shut down tho by posting a suggestion here.

Where in system restore can you view all the restore points?

If you open system restore there will be 2 options "Create A System Restore Point" & "Restore My Computer To A Earlier Time" click on "Restore My Computer To A Earlier Time" and a calender view with all your previous restore points will appear click the one you wish to restore.

Thanks Englishman :)