system restore problem. help!

CCleaner wont find my system restore points. it seems to be searching but it doesnt show anything.. :unsure:

i am sure that i have made system restore points! :blink:

any solution? :(

have you checked system restore is on? what os are you

yes the system restore is activated.

the OS is Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit.

and i have made more than 3 restore points.. :mellow:

System Restore search often takes a good while. just to test, put it on that screen and walk away for a bit, go read a chapter in a book, or cook some pizza rolls, then come back and see

well i know it is supposed to take a while, but the problem is that the search is stopping after a few seconds but there is no system restore points..

well i know it is supposed to take a while, but the problem is that the search is stopping after a few seconds but there is no system restore points..

If you disregard CCleaner, and simply use the Tools provided by Windows,

then "System Restore" gives an option "Restore my computer to an earlier time".

That will show a calendar and the highlighted days indicate restore points,

and if there are no highlighted days there are no restore points available.

and no restore points for CCleaner to find.


well i find another way to clean restore points..

thanks for the help anyway ;)