System Restore and CCleaner


I am running Windows XP Home Edition SP2.

My system restore function regularly fails to work and I am wondering whether there are any CCleaner options that might be affecting this application that I should avoid.



I am running Windows XP Home Edition SP2.

My system restore function regularly fails to work and I am wondering whether there are any CCleaner options that might be affecting this application that I should avoid.


Hi EricG,

Welcome to the forum!!!

System Restore on WinXP has not always been as good as most users expect it to be.

CCleaner has no effect on System Restore data.

System Restore is excellently covered at this website.

System Restore Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore Windows Vista, System Restore

What you need is some other reliable back up procedures as well as System Restore.

See this link and related links to help you recover from problems.

Good luck,

:) davey

Eric is there a reason why you need to be using sytem restore on a regular basis?

What error messages if any do you get?

Did it used to work at one time?

Have you had a virus/malware infection recently?


Thanks for the links davey. I do regularly back up my system using Norton Ghost but have never had the need to use it.

Hazelnut, I don't regularly use System Restore but very occasionally I use it to undo a screwed up application. For example, I updated a piece of software the other day and then found that it wouldn't work with my key code and needed the purchase of an upgrade key code. When I tried to uninstall it I was left with remnants of both versions and neither would work. A System restore reverted to the previous situation leaving me with my original version in working order.

The message I get when System Restore fails to work is just the usual window telling me that it was unable to resore my PC and no changes had been made.

I have had no virus/malaware on my PC and, yes, System Restore did appear to work regularly in the past.

It is no big deal as there are there are usually other ways to deal with the situation but if it were caused by some setting in CCleaner I am using then that could be changed.

Hi eric, a couple of points for you.

If you're System Restore regularly fails on you, then it may be worth purging these failed Restore Points and all the System Volume Information that goes with them.

I've recently had the same thing happen, so I decided to create a new System Restore Point, and purge all the old ones. It's a very easy and straightforward procedure, and all the info you need is here:

Of course that's only a suggestion, so have a read and make your own mind up, but in your case it could be very beneficial.

You mention you were asked to upgrade a program and pay for a new keycode. I'm wondering what the software was, and did you have a free version before you got the request?

You also mention you were left with remnants of both versions.

With some software you can do a full or an incremental update straight over the top of the current version, but with other software you most definitely can't. What you end up with sometimes is pretty much what you describe.

Was there any information to tell you the right way to update in the case of this particular piece of software?

I'm asking Eric, as I don't know your level of knowledge with this stuff, and maybe we can help you avoid a similar experience in the future.

Hi Dennis

Many thanks for your comprehemsive response.

The software involved was dpMagic which I use to view Digital Camera Raw Files and which also creates thumbnails in explorer.

When I purchased this softtware in November 2007 some aspects were not working properly and when I enquired with the authors I was told they were working on an update.

When I visited the site a few days ago I noticed an updated version and (wrongly) assumed I could install it over the top of my version. When I uninstalled it, some of the aspects of my older version were not there. A system restore solved the problem.

I do find it difficult at times to establish whether software can be overwritten or whether it requires the old version to be uninstalled first. Quite often I also find that an installer tells me that I have an older version which it uninstalls before installing the new one - usually asking also whether I wish to retain my settings etc.

In the case of dpMagic I did see (after the event) in the downloads section of their site the option to upgrade rather than download so it was a lack of care on my part.

Regarding purging System Restore I do this regularly using the Disc Cleanup Utility as is described in your link.

It seems as if you're pretty well organised Eric, and it is difficult sometimes trying to determine how an update can be installed. If you can't find a definitive answer, it usually pays to err on the side of caution and do a clean uninstall and install, even at the risk of losing settings.

Of course there's nothing to stop you coming here and picking brains if you're ever stuck with anything like that. You can be pretty sure that whatever it is, someone here will have already tried it, done it, etc..

I've never heard of that software you mention, but after looking at the site you could probably do the same thing with a number of freeware applications. Such as:

IrfanView: Supported file formats here.

Microsoft Power Toys: RAW Image Thumbnail and Viewer. (3rd down the page)

Are you a serious photographer? Now you can organize and work with digital RAW files in Windows Explorer (much as you can with JPEG images). This tool provides thumbnails, previews, printing, and metadata display for RAW images.

FastStone Image Viewer:

It supports all major graphic formats (BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, animated GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular digital camera RAW formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF and DNG).

You can usually find freeware to do most stuff that commercial applications do, and sometimes they do it better.

Hope you find this useful.


Thanks for all your help.

I did look at the Windows RAW viewer in Power Tools but unfortunately it doesn't apply to my Fuji DSLR. It used to only cover Canon and Nikon when I last looked at it, but I see there are quite a number of new manufacturers included.

I don't really need the facilities of IrfanView (if it is still similar to when I last loaded it) as I have the Fuji RAW Converter/Photoshop to process my RAW files. I have never heard of FastStone Image Viewer.

Anyway, having purchased it I just felt I should stick with it - it wasn't that expensive.

Regarding updating software, I wish all downloads included a text file to indicate the update procedures - it wouldn't be that difficult for the authors and it would remove some of the uncertainty.


Thanks for all your help.

Regarding updating software, I wish all downloads included a text file to indicate the update procedures - it wouldn't be that difficult for the authors and it would remove some of the uncertainty.

Speaking for the other guys as well, you're welcome Eric, and I agree with you entirely about updating.

Where in the UK by the way? That might be your downloaded music I can hear next door.

Hey, you never know. :D

In North Cumbria.