I used System recovery and now I want to reverse the process...I lost all my e-mail addresses and my pics...
If you have done System Restore, AFAIK, there is an option to "undo"
i used system RECOVERY, not systen restore...
System Recovery reverts your system to original condition, just like when you took the software / pc home from the store. You are now starting from scratch. All your personal stuff is gone unless files were saved in C:\Backup.
Edit: I have performed several recoveries from D: partition on this Vista pc and each time the system saved my personal files. I don't remember if that was an option or automatic.
that's depressing
that's depressing
All may not be lost.
After my first system recovery I thought I lost some personal files but soon discovered them after searching. Why not try that?
Edit: See post 8 below.
I have no idea how to do that...
Start → computer → (C:) → Backup. Open it up and see what's in there.
Edit: I seem to remember some or all personal files were still safe under User\kroozer and I didn't have to move them out of Backup. Maybe Backup was just a depository for System Files. It all happened about 9 months ago and can't remember the details.
What operating system are you using Jean?
windows XP