Synesthesia-Very Strange Medical Condition

I've heard of people using the expression "those words left a bad taste in my mouth" meaning they heard someone say something that offended them or made them angry. But for some people it's more than just an expression. They actually taste all kinds of different words and each word has it's own flavor. That's just one example of how synesthesia can cause a person's senses to work in very strange combinations.


Rosser sees every note of the piano she plays as a distinct color. "E flat is turquoise. Very warm turquoise," Rosser said. "F sharp is yellow-green." When Rosser plays many notes together, she said the colors "sort of merge into each other."

That is very weird. But I suppose it would help when I forget (neglect, really) to practice for my band class :lol:

I've heard of people using the expression "those words left a bad taste in my mouth" meaning they heard someone say something that offended them or made them angry. But for some people it's more than just an expression. They actually taste all kinds of different words and each word has it's own flavor. That's just one example of how synesthesia can cause a person's senses to work in very strange combinations.


Yes, one of my great favourites was a synestheate...Alexander Scriabin

A bit crazy, but wonderful never the less. :)