Please I need help y change my antivirus program for Symantec endpoint protection and CCleaner cant erase de log files, I marked the check box Symantec Antivirus and do not delete the records.
Some body help me to fix it issue
Please I need help y change my antivirus program for Symantec endpoint protection and CCleaner cant erase de log files, I marked the check box Symantec Antivirus and do not delete the records.
Some body help me to fix it issue
It's probably self-protection of the antivirus software as most have that nowadays to protect themselves against deletion or modification from malware.
If you're just wanting to remove old logs look within the Symantec program itself for a log cleaner as most antivirus software have this functionality built in, if that doesn't work run CCleaner in Windows safe mode.
this is the way it is supposed to be, SEP does not allow 3rd party apps to delete logs and it shouldn't after all do you really want a trojan to erase the fact that it's payload was discovered?
SEP only thing cleaned by CCleaner is liveupdate files
However if you really want it gone via ccleaner (IMHO a bad idea) add this to your winapp2.ini
[SEP LOGS] ID=2061 LangSecRef=3024 Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec AntiVirus\Install\7.50 Default=True FileKey1=%commonappdata%\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\logs|*.log FileKey2=%localappdata%\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\logs|*.log
Have added this to my winapp2.ini and it worked perfectly