Check it out.........will be sad news for some!
Check it out.........will be sad news for some!
I knew this was coming, so I switched over to Outpost Free.
Good riddens to a buggy ass firewall.
It wasn't that bad... I used it and it was good, but Outpost is better.
It had all the features I liked in a software-based firewall, it was compatible with Win98 and above, an it probably had the best logging feature. However when reported bugs went unfixed I stopped using it, and at that time I absolutely cringed at the thought of installing ZoneAlarm. For many people the last and final SPF version 5.6 wouldn't even install, and if it did it could immediately crash when started.
The older 5.5 version is alright but obviously buggy but it at least will install and works without crashing, and I have it archived on a couple of CD-R's. But as I've said dozens of times it has the ability to block legit websites and has the nasty habit of not letting some programs use their internal update component.
Too bad it wasn't open-source because it really could have been the best software-based firewall if a community of people maintained it and helped eliminate bugs.
True, but I got hte latest Sygate Firewall to work fine...
Nah sygate wasn't a bad firewall most of the time, although if one of its few bugs did hit you, then you knew about it.
However since they discontinued, i have been using Comodo Personal firewall, and i must say its one of the best iv seen, passes all SOS and GRC tests, and even passes the grc leaktest, tooleaky and firehole.
Easy enough to configer, although it does have unique GUI and settings, compleatly free, but you need to renew your licence once every year, which ofcourse is free aswell.
Also good tech support via email.
Only problems is they test it fully thereselfs, no beta testing (although i havn't really came accross any bugs yet), but still seems a little weird to me.
Also there site could be a little more informative, for example it doesn't mention on there site that it only works with win 2000/XP SP2 (not win9x/ME), you don't find that out until installinfg the firewall.
Other then that its fine, plus they have said there going to improve there firewall part of the site soon, so its more informative.
You can see what i mean here:
That info is at the bottom of the main page. I'm downloading it right now!
lol, i only told them about that like a day ago by email, they react fast
So andavari what do you think of that firewall?
It ain't no ZoneAlarm, it ain't no ZoneAlarm, it ain't no ZoneAlarm! Had to repeat that three times!
The configuration was a bit weird, e.g.; my proxy filtering software is CookieCop and it flat out would'nt work until I figured out that the firewall needed to know what the parent application was which was explorer.exe, talk about damned confusing to begin with.
Although it passes ShieldsUp! as TruStealth I personally don't like the configuration or terminology in that firewall, it only lasted 30 mins on my PC. And the uninstaller is downright sloppy, might as well not even include one, it left a .msi installer behind and so many leftovers in the registry that I just restored the registry with a ERUNT backup.
I'm so fed up with software-based firewalls I may just end up buying a hardware one sometime next year.
I love the one on my router. I dont even run ZA anymore but I still have it installed for those just in case moments.
It ain't no ZoneAlarm, it ain't no ZoneAlarm, it ain't no ZoneAlarm! Had to repeat that three times!
I should hope so to, if i thought it was similar to ZA i would of reformated my PC by now.
Also ZA likes to block all network sharing automatically, and keep it blocked, so not for me.
The configuration was a bit weird, e.g.; my proxy filtering software is CookieCop and it flat out would'nt work until I figured out that the firewall needed to know what the parent application was which was explorer.exe, talk about damned confusing to begin with.
Well yea i did mention the configuation was unique, so it is a little confusing at first, nothing a few mins of playing around can't sure.
Although i feel i must say, i love this way of configering allications, it an automatic and fast way to create "advanced rules" without the user needing any knowledge of how to create them manually.
Also that way it stops parrentless and invisable applications from accessing the inet without the users knowledge (so it passes tooleaky, leaktest, firehole etc), iv not seen another free firewall that can do that, and most PAID firewalls can't either.
And the uninstaller is downright sloppy, might as well not even include one, it left a .msi installer behind and so many leftovers in the registry
Well i havn't tried uninstalling it yet, so can't comment on it, ill take your word for it though, lets hope they fix it soon, its still a very new firewall remember, only been out a couple of months.
I'm so fed up with software-based firewalls I may just end up buying a hardware one sometime next year.
Iv got both, and well configerd, i feel preaty safe
I love the one on my router
Me 2
I dont even run ZA
Welcome to the good side
but I still have it installed for those just in case moments.
You poor guy (prays for rridgely's pc)
You guys still can download it from here.
What do they mean by no support? Do they mean that they won't talk to you if you got a problem or the program won't be updated or both? I don't get it.
Lee my pc is safer than yours just because I dont run that sub par AV that you have. ZA is not a bad program and is much better than sygate and that program your using. The only issue with ZA is ram usage which isnt even all that high compared to other programs.
The only reason you would need a software and hardware firwall is for connecting to a network.(public or your own private one) and that is only because the other pcs on the network could be infected. I have linksys WRT54G and is passes every part of the grc scan with stealthed ratings.
If you say you need a software firewall for outbound protection than fine but I would rather just hit alt+ctrl+del every once in a while to see whats running on my pc.
Now what I'm saying is for myself. When I fix/set up a pc for a friend or family member I put ZA on it and train it as much as I can. Honestly its the easiest to configure and once you turn off alerts and logs you wont even know its running.
What do they mean by no support? Do they mean that they won't talk to you if you got a problem or the program won't be updated or both? I don't get it
Lee my pc is safer than yours just because I dont run that sub par AV that you have
Don't remember saying my pc is faster then yours in the first place
BTW what would you say is a good AV? (please don't say something like norton or AVG)
sub par AV that you have
Avast is the best out there
ZA is not a bad program and is much better than sygate and that program your using
We will have to agree to disagree on that one
The only issue with ZA is ram usage which isnt even all that high compared to other programs
Same as above, although i feel i must make it clear that i was referring to free firewalls rather then paid/pro ones, yes i have seen ZA Pro in action and it does preform pretty well, however ZA Free is a joke of a firewall, blocks ALL file sharing , doesn't really protect IM programs very well (imo), and doesn't pass tooleaky etc.
The only reason you would need a software and hardware firwall is for connecting to a network.(public or your own private one) and that is only because the other pcs on the network could be infected.
I have linksys WRT54G and is passes every part of the grc scan with stealthed ratings.
I should hope so , most hardware firewalls will due to there superiority.
but I would rather just hit alt+ctrl+del every once in a while to see whats running on my pc.
Well thats fine for you maybe, but what about people like my mum or nan, they arn't going to understand what processes are good and what ones are bad.
Also saying that is all well and good, but what if it gets infected without your knowledge and sends off some info like a password etc?
I understand that you could properly protect your PC your self, but what is a little bro or something uses it and visits a "bad" site?
Honestly its the easiest to configure and once you turn off alerts and logs you wont even know its running
We will have to agree to disagree again
From that post i seem to get the idea that you seem i don't know what im talking about
Well thats ok i guess, your alowed your own opinon, don't worry about hurting my feelings...........
I can play the quote game too.
Don't remember saying my pc is faster then yours in the first place rolleyes.gif
I never once mentioned speed.
BTW what would you say is a good AV? (please don't say something like norton or AVG)
Norton is a bloated piece of crap that wrecks systems and avg has a crappy scanning percentage.
I have tried about every antivirus around(free and paid) and I must say that my favorite is etrust. Its very low on resources, has never not found an infection or failed to remove it. It also updates at least once a day and has never failed to do so.
sub par AV that you haveAvast is the best out there tongue.gif
Avast has problems removing the infections that it finds. I'm not fond of the skins(which can be disabled). Plus its been proven not to find everything.
but I would rather just hit alt+ctrl+del every once in a while to see whats running on my pc.Well thats fine for you maybe, but what about people like my mum or nan, they arn't going to understand what processes are good and what ones are bad.Also saying that is all well and good, but what if it gets infected without your knowledge and sends off some info like a password etc?
I understand that you could properly protect your PC your self, but what is a little bro or something uses it and visits a "bad" site?
Not to sound cocky but I know whats running on my pc. I do still put ZA on machines that I fix and make sure to trained it before I leave. Most of the time people dont even know its on there if you turn alerts and logs off and give the programs that need access to the net access.
Oh I would also like to bring this program to your attention. Its a small .exe program that quickly tells you everything on your pc that is connected to the internet. Great little app to have on a usb drive.
From that post i seem to get the idea that you seem i don't know what im talking about sad.gifWell thats ok i guess, your alowed your own opinon, don't worry about hurting my feelings...........
I dont think you don't know what your talking about its just I disagree with you on a few points.
The last thing I want to say about security is..... EWIDO!
This is pretty much the most essential security app available for computers today. The scanner puts any other program to shame and is completly free.
Ewido site
My review on Lunarsoft:
On the preventative side of things I put MSAS and spyware blaster along with installing FF.
Well, I thought about it and thats what they mean by discontinued. I guess I was having one of those days.
I never once mentioned speed.
Looking back i noticed it says "safer" then mine rather then faster, i sware it said faster.....
Norton is a bloated piece of crap that wrecks systems and avg has a crappy scanning percentage
Indeed they are
and I must say that my favorite is etrust. Its very low on resources, has never not found an infection or failed to remove it. It also updates at least once a day and has never failed to do so
I find the exact same with avast.
Avast has problems removing the infections that it finds
Not in my case
Plus its been proven not to find everything
If you mean its low spyware/adware detections, its meant to be rthis way, they even stat that there a virus scanner not a Spyware scanner.
They mainly find virus/worms/trojans, although they do find some of the more common spyware/adware infections.
Not to sound cocky but I know whats running on my pc
Not cocky at all, this is a good thing
I do still put ZA on machines that I fix and make sure to trained it before I leave. Most of the time people dont even know its on there if you turn alerts and logs off and give the programs that need access to the net access.
Will have to agree to disagree thereOh I would also like to bring this program to your attention. Its a small .exe program that quickly tells you everything on your pc that is connected to the internet. Great little app to have on a usb drive.
Nice little program
I dont think you don't know what your talking about its just I disagree with you on a few points.
Fair enough , i disagree with a few of your points aswell, but thats computers for ya
The last thing I want to say about security is..... EWIDO!This is pretty much the most essential security app available for computers today. The scanner puts any other program to shame and is completly free.
Ewido site
My review on Lunarsoft:
Well i tried the free scanner, found no infections, although it did feel kind enough to tell me SweetIM was spyware, which ofcourse its not, see here:
Also it reported weatherbug as spyware, which again, isn't true.
Although im not sure how it got on my system in the first place, (not the only person to use this PC), maybe it was part of that firefox weather extension i had a while ago.
I dont know about sweet IM(never heard of it but I will look into it.) but weatherbug is debate able. People have labeled it as annoyware because it has been know to collect some info and cause pop ups. Not to mention its a memory hog. If you go to any site concerned with security they will tell you to use desktop weather instead.