If you have ever tried to clean up a computer plagued with junk-ware, you know that it takes forever to do sometimes because IE/Firefox/Chrome are constantly popping up after the uninstall with surveys. I think it would be a great option to add "suppress browser pop-ups during uninstall" so that you don't constantly get bombarded by these when uninstalling.
The average user may not particularly care about this. However, I know anyone in the IT industry knows what I'm talking about and would appreciate this feature.
That's probably way outside the realm of CCleaner, however those surveys during uninstall are incredibly annoying.
What I do with Firefox and Comodo Dragon is use batch files to quickly rename the main browser .exe file so that it's a non-executable and can't be launched and have the batch file just sit there paused until I click a keyboard key to continue, and upon continuing it will rename the browser back into an executable .exe.
@echo off
echo Rename Comodo Dragon
echo This renames Comodo Dragon to effectively circumvent any software
echo installs and uninstalls that annoyingly try to open their website.
echo To rename Comodo Dragon:
ren "%ProgramFiles%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe" "dragon.---"
echo To undo the rename:
ren "%ProgramFiles%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.---" "dragon.exe"
I understand your point about it being outside the scope of CCleaner for personal use - but maybe an enterprise build for IT admins who don't want to look at pop-ups all day may be a nice feature to have. I understand that it's probably going to take a driver to do it (like AVZGuard if you've ever heard of it) - so that adds some complications to the mix.
Either way, I appreciate your feedback on this.
God those are annoying.
Spawning firefox and ie is just what I want when im cleaning out my customer's computer that's 9 years old and has 7500 'speedy up PC mcquickfast.exe's running.
ADWcleaner kills a lot of programs that spawn these, thankfully.