Support for environment variables

I have a problem.

CCleaner includes works well on the 32 bit edition.

But the Includes doesn't work on anything but 1 machine sometimes because the variables from machine to machine change.


For instance:

There are trash icons I sometimes want to add to includes in CCleaner in the application data folder.

On my machine, it may be C:\Documents and Settings\*insert user name here\Application Data\*insert name of folder here

On another machine, the user name after C:\Documents and Settings\ changes from PC to PC, rendering the includes to delete ineffective!

But with support for relative paths (environment variables), I could add a path such as %appdata%\*insert folder name here & it would work on any machine running XP/Vista/7!


Can you add support for these variables? Right now, because of this problem, CCleaner includes is totally useless except on a single machine!

I'd love to know that I can run it portably & have it work on all 3 of my machines.

Thank you!

Winapp2 supports E.V.s (see link in my signature). We've begun to ask for e.v. support in include/exclude.

I had the same problem until I used WinApp2.ini.

This seems to support all the variables which CMD.EXE will list via the command SET.

It also supports on XP Home the variable %LOCALAPPDATA%.

To that WinApp2.ini I inserted this little piece

FileKey1=%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey2=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey4=%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE

That eliminates all the Adobe trash when I clean

(I hated Adobe ever since I found how much disc space was wasted by Adobe Reader,

so I very reluctantly have the absolute minimum to visit websites that use Flash,

and when I clean I eliminate all the FLASH junk residue I know off.)
