I'd like to suggest the developers to have a better look at here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6623 for the brief definition of Flash related "Super Cookies". Until recently I haven't been aware of it myself yet when I searched for the " *.sol " file extension (suggested by a commenter) on my system drive; I surprisingly found out tenths of these cookies...
I deleted them since their path also specified the sites that are using them where none of those sites are the ones that I'd like to keep their cookies; e.g: ...\#www.youtube.com\settings.sol or ...\www.youtube.com\sounddata.sol etc...
Since CCleaner is so good dealing with wide range of crap cleaning, why not include an option for cleaning these kind of unwanted cookies? Since they're exploiting the flash induced mechanism to bypass standard cookie handling (like it's not good enough?), I believe these cookies deserve the more the cleaning...
I'll look forward for the next update including this ;-)...
Then help me to either understand or solve how do I get to clean them "myself" while I've been using bothFlash and CCleaner for quite some time. Refering to your;
enabled in the large Cleaner section
correct me if I'm mistaken but if you refer to Cleaner[sidetab]->Applications[tab]; here's mine:
"NO FLASH" related item
but "FLASH" Installed
if not the right section, then please pinpoint me where because I don't see "it" anywhere else in CCleaner...
And also refering to your;
%appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player|*.*|RECURSE
I'm not sure but I guess I've seen that before in former "CCleaner.ini" files where newer versions don't contain this format. I even tried enabling "Firefox->Cookies" (which I use) cleaning but still NO effect at all...
BUT if you want me to "manually include" the above "flash folder" in the CCleaner->Options[sidetab]->Include[insidetab] then it might work. But then again your claim on "automatic cleaning" by CCleaner will become meaningless...
So having a greater knowledge, please enlighten/help me more on the subject...
The download is at the end of the first post, and is the most recent one. You can simply unzip this into CCleaners folder. If done correctly, you should see "asterisked" entries in CCleaner, as here:
An asterisk denotes a winapp2.ini entry. If you ever have a "settings.sol" file you wish to keep, exclude this within CCleaners Options/Exclude File or Folder. That's what I do.
The download is at the end of the first post, and is the most recent one. You can simply unzip this into CCleaners folder. If done correctly, you should see "asterisked" entries in CCleaner, as here:
An asterisk denotes a winapp2.ini entry. If you ever have a "settings.sol" file you wish to keep, exclude this within CCleaners Options/Exclude File or Folder. That's what I do.
Thank you for that info. I've down loaded and used it. I'm sure w1r1 will thank you in due course.