The last one happened 900 years ago. Also it's an international palindrome which ever date format type you use.
The last one happened 900 years ago. Also it's an international palindrome which ever date format type you use.
We won't have to wait as long for the next one, but the US will have to wait slightly longer - 12022021 - or 20211202 if you put the year first (y/m/d) to give international format.
(12th Feb in the UK/Europe if you put the day/month first, Dec 2nd in the US or everywhere if you put the year first).
I find it fascinating that with each of those 3 palindromic dates, (02111120 is the 900 y/o one), when you put the year first instead of last to give y/m/d international format then the 8 digit number changes but it's still a palindrome.
PS. It's my 60th birthday later this month,
If you drop the 19 for the century then the date of my birth, whilst not a palidrome, is also an interesting one in both UK and US formats - 260260 or 022660.