Suggestions: Registry ignore list and Context menu check

Just started using CCleaner and appreciated how many more registry entries for long-deleted software it removed than Registry Mechanic.

Two suggestions.

First, after using Issues I restarted the computer and ran Issues again to see what Windows XP replaced. It put back entries for Real formats (I avoid the player, use RealAlternative when necessary) under formats and a number of entries from Beta 1 that are apparently still used by Windows Defender (Microsoft anti-spyware).

In order to keep from having that happen at each use, it would be convenient to have the ability to mark these as Ignored.

If there already is a way to do so, sorry for taking your time.

Second, because the program did such a good job finding dead entries for deleted software, is it possible the review could extend to the right-click (context menu) entries? I have had a dead entry since I removed Media Jukebox under Open with... for audio when I first bought this computer, for example. The entry is still there, but if there's a chance to get rid of it I would be appreciative.

These are minor issues with a good program. Thanks for thinking about these suggested improvements.