Suggestions for blocking ads with Opera Browser

Considering that there's no Adblock + for Opera and Admunch is payware, does anyone have a good list to add to the urlfilter.ini file for Opera?

There's a program here called Adsweep that supplies a javascript file, but I haven't tried it yet:

Alternatively, you can download the author's adblock list for Opera here:

He provides a urlfilter.ini file. I just download it, open it in notepad, and copy the blockist to the "exlude" section of my old urlfilter.ini file.

This site also provides a small list that works very well, thanks to the wildcards in some of the entries.

My Opera browser used to block most ads, but for some reason I've been seeing alot of Google ads and adclick boxes on many sites.

I must have unchecked or removed something and can''t remember what it was. Maybe it was the trial version of Admunch I installed.

When it ran, Opera was great, but when I closed it, I saw alot of ads using the Opera browser. However, ever since I copied the adlists provided above, my pages load much faster and I no longer see 95% of the ads!

Fanboy's Adblock list for Opera is great: ;)

I just downloaded the Fanboy list, opened it in Notepad and noticed that Fanboy's list has these symbols shaped like a box before each url and the file isn't in list form. However, if I copied his list to Wordpad, the file was in list form and the asterisk wildcards appeared, and the box symbols disappeared. I then copied the Wordpad list and pasted the items in my Opera urlfilter.ini file, in the exclude section.

I spent some time with Adsweep today, but it won't work for me with Opera.

Followed through some of the links to the Adsweep developers blogs and such, and it seems to be one of these "works for some but not others" things. Would be interested to know if any others have tried it.

If you're feeling techie ... :)

This isn't, of course, browser-specific.

Quite reasonable ad-blocking comes out-of-the-box.

I just downloaded the Fanboy list, opened it in Notepad and noticed that Fanboy's list has these symbols shaped like a box before each url and the file isn't in list form. However, if I copied his list to Wordpad, the file was in list form and the asterisk wildcards appeared, and the box symbols disappeared. I then copied the Wordpad list and pasted the items in my Opera urlfilter.ini file, in the exclude section.

Fanboys list is already a urlfilter.ini file. No need to copy the entrys and than paste them into the excludes section. Just download Fanboy's list and place it as is in your Opera profile and it will replace your current urlfilter.ini file.

If you're feeling techie ... :)

This isn't, of course, browser-specific.

Quite reasonable ad-blocking comes out-of-the-box.

Thanks for the link, but I'll pass on that one. I'm not particularly bothered with ads, as Opera isn't too bad in that direction.

Adsweep I haven't seen before, and it looked interesting.

Is AdSweep being updated again? I thought it had ended. :huh:

Yeah, another guy has taken up maintaining AdSweep. Unfortunately, since the release of Chrome extensions, I think AdSweep has started to fall behind new adblockers like AdBlock and AdThwart.

Ad Muncher isn't free but it works with all browsers. Its $20 and $30.