Hurrah! I have finally dumped an unnamed "top app" competitor for it's every expanding bloated additional "features".
So far I like ccleaner's unobtrusive existence.
Though there are a few things I would love to be added.
First: in processes there are a few apps I'd like not killed by the quick clean; conversely there are very many apps (mostly "system apps") I'd like killed by quick clean. I would like to see a blacklist for the former and/or a whitelist for the latter. This would make it so apps that broke from cleaning no longer did and those that broke without cleaning (better said: badly made apps that often fail to start/work without a process clean) were able to be user controlled
Second: I realize most apps restart soon after being task killed but many don't. While using the unnamed software I had it set to clean processes when the screen went off.
I know it is arguable as to whether process cleaning does any good in modern android (as has, during the beta I believe) but my S4 runs into ram overusage too often, crashing apps at inopportune times. For the fact this phone comes with 2GB ram it uses about 50-75% of that just in homescreen. the baseline cleaned phone (whilst using the competition) dropped, on average from 1.5 GB to half-a-gig (rising to settle at roughly 900MB ). When I clean using ccleaner, it does a (pretty good) job removing apps that didn't exit when I wanted but I don't see that RAM headroom I got as "system apps" don't seem to get cleaned (only dropping from 1.57 to 1.2 rising to 1.25).