Suggestion Regarding Hard Disk Space

Hello. I have a suggestion that I hope could be implemented into the next version of CCleaner (if it is there already, please excuse me)

I would like a feature that shows in numerical order which programs or anything else (log files, etc) are using up the most hard disk space on my computer. For example, the feature could be like this:

1. iTunes songs folder 2 GB

2. Windows 700 MB

3. Microsoft Office 300 MB



6. Camera Pictures folder 50 MB

100. CCleaner <1 MB

I would like this feature because I am trying to figure out how my hard disk space has decreased over the years. When I right click Properties by the C drive, it shows that 9 GB of my 13 GB hard drive have been used up.

I can't understand how I've managed to use up this much space. At most, I feel that 3-5 GB should be used up, and no more. I am kind of worried that I have some type of crapware or malfunctioning program on my computer that is generating log files or backups or something that is causing the computer's hard disk space to decrease.

I would really really like if this simple feature could be included in the a CCleaner update so that I can understand how my hard disk space has been allocated to different programs and folders in a nice list

Hello. I have a suggestion that I hope could be implemented into the next version of CCleaner (if it is there already, please excuse me)

I would like a feature that shows in numerical order which programs or anything else (log files, etc) are using up the most hard disk space on my computer. For example, the feature could be like this:

1. iTunes songs folder 2 GB

2. Windows 700 MB

3. Microsoft Office 300 MB



6. Camera Pictures folder 50 MB

100. CCleaner <1 MB

I would like this feature because I am trying to figure out how my hard disk space has decreased over the years. When I right click Properties by the C drive, it shows that 9 GB of my 13 GB hard drive have been used up.

I can't understand how I've managed to use up this much space. At most, I feel that 3-5 GB should be used up, and no more. I am kind of worried that I have some type of crapware or malfunctioning program on my computer that is generating log files or backups or something that is causing the computer's hard disk space to decrease.

I would really really like if this simple feature could be included in the a CCleaner update so that I can understand how my hard disk space has been allocated to different programs and folders in a nice list

I suppose, but it wouldn't have much to do with CCleaner... (unless you want a CCleaner that will completely wipe out your hard drive).

You can also check each individual folder to see how much space it adds, and nowadays hard drive space is so cheap, you can probably get a 160 gig hard drive for <$50USD

I suppose showing how much space each of the apps take in the uninstall list could be beneficial, but scanning all of the folders on your computer and displaying how much each one holds would take forever, and the list would be miserable to navigate. There are thousands of folders and tens of thousands of files! The list would be huge, and reading it would be an all-day activity. Wouldn't be much faster than right-clicking each folder, clicking properties, and viewing the size that way.

Something like that should probably be its own standalone utility, if that even. I guess I don't totally understand what purpose it would serve.

There is a utility that does exactly this: DiskSpacePlus - it is very useful to find out what takes up large parts of your HD. It's free to try.

Oh, well something like that app makes sense. From the screenshots, it looks like it is set up well. I might have to give it a try.

If you have multiple volumes or partitions with large data, it may take a while to analyze.

zaphirer has a good point. Hard drive space is cheap, and by today's standards 13 GB is pathetically small. You really need to add more.

zaphirer has a good point. Hard drive space is cheap, and by today's standards 13 GB is pathetically small. You really need to add more.

It's not the hard drive space that is the issue at hand. I'm trying to understand just how I've managed to eat up so much space. I haven't done much to this computer in the past 2 years, so I'm not sure how I've managed to get up to 9 GB. Until I find out how this space has been taken up, I don't want to get a new hard drive just in case its space will get uselessly taken up as well.

I guess I should have made a modification to my suggestion. Maybe just the top 50 programs or files that are taking up space should be listed. All I want to find out is which program of file has been gobbling up space on my hard drive.

There is a utility that does exactly this: DiskSpacePlus - it is very useful to find out what takes up large parts of your HD. It's free to try.

Yes, this is something that's along the lines of what I would like in CCleaner.

I would like CCleaner just to list the files like this, not actually include a delete function that could interfere with proper function of the computer.

I always use Treesize for this job

I guess I should have made a modification to my suggestion. Maybe just the top 50 programs or files that are taking up space should be listed. All I want to find out is which program of file has been gobbling up space on my hard drive.

Yes, this is something that's along the lines of what I would like in CCleaner.

hmm, just out of curiosity, you aren't using PowerDVD / any other DVD player, are you? I've heard that it can make massive logs that can quickly get bigger than 1gb :blink:

I always use Treesize for this job

Oh, this is also the type of utility that I am looking for. Thanks klumy. The nice thing about it is that is is freeware.

Zaphirer, no I'm not using PowerDVD player. I'm not sure what my DVD player is.

You don't say what OS you have, but if you're using WinXP or ME, System Restore will use up more and more memory, unless you periodically delete the old restore points.

You don't say what OS you have, but if you're using WinXP or ME, System Restore will use up more and more memory, unless you periodically delete the old restore points.

Greenknight, I am using Windows 98.

I always use Treesize for this job

Here's another ote for TreeSize. Works great.