Just used CC for the first time, couple of initial thoughts:-
In the registry issues view, it would be nice to be able to highlight a group of issues/entries in the ListView control & be able to check/uncheck them together. This would allow the user to say highlight a group of definate issues, click on one check box and check all the highlighted entries to be fixed. This means the user can then quickly select/deselect groups of issues for fixing and also provide the ability to work removing groups of issues at a time; eg select all hotfix files for deletion to provide a smaller list of issues for closer inspection.
Also, after running the registry clean using the 'fix all selected issues', once issues have been processed, the entries are deleted from the list. The listview updates after each entry is removed. May be worth disabling updates to the control whilst entries are removed, or disable updates for batches of 10 removals to provide smoother updates rather than the blinking effect at present.
Great tool for novice & advanced user alike though .