Suggestion: more System Restore Points Information.

CCleaner can be used to delete one or more System Restore Points (SRP). I think the program can provide more details on how much memory these System Restore Points are occupying on a SSD or HD. I assume it's very difficult to determine what the size of each SRP is. So, then the program code could follow a different method that would nonetheless provide more information to the user.

1) Display all the SRPs that were found.

2) Read the size of the folder "System Volume Information" (= total amount of all disk space occupied by all SRPs) where all the SRPs are stored. And display the size of that folder in KB / MB / GB (whatever applies) under /above the list with these SRPs (what ever you like best) and display the % of total occupied disk space.

3) After the user has deleted one or more SRPs repeat step 2)

Or perhaps CCleaner can be made to remember the size of the "System volume Information" folder before and after removing one or more SRPs. And then display the difference (= amount of freed up diskspace).