Why is Recuva stuck at "Current progress 5% 1083 files recovered Estimated time left EIGHTEEN HOURS!?!?!?!?!?
Why is Recuva stuck at "Current progress 5% 1083 files recovered Estimated time left EIGHTEEN HOURS!?!?!?!?!?
Optix, we can't say you don't have patience! Mine would have run out in 30 mins.
I suggest you cancel - it failed.
be sure that your are updated with the latest version. also
make sure you have all other programs or browser closed.
then if that dont work. i would try to install then reinstall it and try again.
how is you computer speed normally.if you have a slower computer this can be a factor too.
so let us know how you make out with them options and if that dont work i have a few other things you can try.