Strange symbol when recovering OpenOffice document

Tried recovering an OpenOffice document, fortunately found the file in 'excellent' condition without any other files overwriting it, but when i opend the file all i got was 3 pages full of this small hashtag symbol :


The file was supposed to be in excellent condition so what can i do?


I wish Excellent would be replaced with something else more descriptive, such as Not Overwritten, or Maybe, or perhaps Perhaps? It means that the file is not at this moment overwritten by another live file, not that the data is in any way valid or even useful.

In Recuva Advanced mode have a look at the Header. This might tell you whether the data is in OO format (I don't know what that is, Google it). If it isn't then what you're recovering isn't an OO document. The data might have been overwritten by another file which has itself been deleted, or you're looking in the wrong place (cluster addresses invalid).