Stop the Sales Pitches!

Your pop up sales pitches, trying to get money out of me, are becoming far too aggrevating!

Right now, I'm checking out other free cleaners, by various searches. I'm reading an article on TechRadar now.

Stop the sales pitches or you will -- NEVER get money out of me AND I'll start using another company's cleaner!

Got it? GOOD! I hope you are listening!

Several times a year we will have promotional offers to free users to upgrade to our paid product. During that time you may receive as many as four messages over a 2 week period. There is one just ending at the moment, for example, which is due to send it's fourth and final message tomorrow.

Sorry if you find this too grievous an imposition - but having some of our customers buy CCleaner has proven to be very handy when it comes to paying the bills.

If, however, you are receiving more frequent messages than described above, the most likely cause is that you are using an older version of CCleaner - version 5.53 and below had an issue for some users where they would receive some messages and alerts more frequently than intended. If you have not updated your copy of CCleaner for a few months then this may solve your problem.

Just to chime in, it is definitely more than 4 a week (that's still an outrageous number, given how it's being delivered). Don't know what version I have, and honestly, I don't care. The practice in and of itself is predatory and unacceptable. I'm sure at some point I clicked something that had a nice hidden little fine print to the affect of, 'you give us permission to use your private property as our own personal billboard, and we will harass you about it until you fork over cash.'


Not okay. CC Cleaner is supposed to clean my computer of unwanted garbage, not be a delivery method for it. I came here hoping to find a way to just disable the irritation, but it seems all there is to do is uninstall it. Rest assured, it will never be installed again.

It's a shame. This used to be a genuinely awesome product with an awesome support team. Not sure what changed. Oh well.

40 minutes ago, MyComputerisNotYourBillbrd said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Don't know what version I have, and honestly, I don't care.

The system has a hardcoded cap that makes it impossible to send more than 4 messages per week per user. If you are experiencing a bug then providing additional detail can help us to solve it for you and any other impacted users.

  1. First thing to check is the Version of CCleaner that you are on. Chances are that you can "disable the irritation" by updating to a later version if you are still on 5.53 or earlier.
  2. If you are on 5.54 or later then the next thing to check under Options > Cookies to see if you have changed the "Cookies to Keep". If you have configured CCleaner to remove its "I have already seen this message so I don't need to see it again" cookie then, not surprisingly ...