stop the CCLeaner-pop-up harassment for existing customers

I am a satisfied customer, but that is changing rapidly.

with 2-1/2monts to go in my existing subscription, I am harassed with a popup at each start of my computer or CCleaner, for new subscription. With 2 months TO GO!!!

If you will harrass me for the coming 2-1/2months, you are losing a customer.

I changed news/mails settings, but they keep coming back

Please help me turn these pop-ups off

1 hour ago, Peter R Keus said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I am a satisfied customer, but that is changing rapidly.

		with 2-1/2monts to go in my existing subscription, I am harassed with a popup at each start of my computer or CCleaner, for new subscription. With 2 months TO GO!!!

		If you will harrass me for the coming 2-1/2months, you are losing a customer.

		I changed news/mails settings, but they keep coming back

		Please help me turn these pop-ups off

At around this time in your subscription you should get an occasional message about the benefits of renewing early and/or any deals that are on at the time. However these are set to only pop up about once every couple of weeks - certainly not every day. The most likely causes of getting more messages like this than you should would be:

1) If you are still on a version of CCleaner from before 5.54 (should not be the case as a paid user)

2) If you are using an expired licence instead of your current one. Do the pop-ups suggest that you "renew early", that you will "expire soon" or that you "have expired"? If you go to Options > About > License Information in your copy of CCleaner does it show your renewal date as being November 2020 or November 2019?

3) If your "I have already seen this message so I don't need to see it again" cookie is being wiped, which means that you are telling the messaging system that you haven't seen the notification yet, even though you have. Check Options > Cookies > Cookies to Keep in CCleaner and these four should appear at the top of the list to make sure that everything behaves itself. Let me know if any of them are missing.


... if you have checked all of these and none of them apply please let me know. We are always on the lookout for new bugs to swat!

6 hours ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents" data-gramm="false">
		At around this time in your subscription you should get an occasional message about the benefits of renewing early and/or any deals that are on at the time.  However these are set to only pop up about once every couple of weeks - certainly not every day.  The most likely causes of getting more messages like this than you should would be:

		1) If you are still on a version of CCleaner from before 5.54 (should not be the case as a paid user)

		2) If you are using an expired licence instead of your current one.  Do the pop-ups suggest that you "renew early", that you will "expire soon" or that you "have expired"? If you go to <strong>Options &gt; About &gt; License Information</strong> in your copy of CCleaner does it show your renewal date as being November 2020 or November 2019?

		3) If your "I have already seen this message so I don't need to see it again" cookie is being wiped, which means that you are telling the messaging system that you haven't seen the notification yet, even though you have.  Check <strong>Options &gt; Cookies &gt; Cookies to Keep</strong> in CCleaner and these four should appear at the top of the list to make sure that everything behaves itself.  Let me know if any of them are missing.

		 <a data-fileext="png" data-fileid="13896" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_09/image.png.ba9e4991a0856b6531b8d8a9369704e1.png" rel="" title="Enlarge image"><img alt="image.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="13896" data-ratio="94.35" width="124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_09/image.png.ba9e4991a0856b6531b8d8a9369704e1.png"></a>

		... if you have checked all of these and none of them apply please let me know.  We are always on the lookout for new bugs to swat!

Thx for response

The only thing I can find, is that I seem to be missing the Avast-cookie. See attached screenshots.

ScreenHunter 26 2020-09-23 11.45.jpg

[Screenshots redacted for user privacy]

ScreenHunter 30 2020-09-23 17.10.jpg

@Dave CCleaner got any new ideas or suggestions?

Got no response to my previous mail... was it OK?

Hi Peter,

Thanks for letting us know what you found.

Please go to CCleaner's Options > Cookies > right-click on the Cookie to Keep list > Add > enter "*".

This should prevent the cookie that David referred to from being affected by CCleaner, which should allow the data on when you last were shown this notification to be retained.

Thanks for providing that information to us!

tried it all... no effect

Message still popping up at every start of laptop, and again at opening of CCleaner...

Also tried reinstallation .... no effect...

Your Salesdepartement is killing you big-time with this aggressive approach

Hello Peter,

I'm sorry to hear that.

Do you have any other apps on your device that could clean your cookies ? It's possible that an app similar to ours may clean that cookie for you.

the ony thing i can think of, is Chrome-settings itself, to wipe cookieswhen closing down... Should I allow will try..!

Hi Peter. It's definitely possible that this is attributed to the Chrome setting so exactly as you suggested, you may be able to allow the domain to resolve this.

Otherwise if the problem persists afterwards, I would suggest that you disable the "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome" setting for a period of time in order to verify if this is in fact the cause of the issue, or not.

20 hours ago, MeganCCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi Peter. It's definitely possible that this is attributed to the Chrome setting so exactly as you suggested, you may be able to allow the domain to resolve this.

		Otherwise if the problem persists afterwards, I would suggest that you disable the "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome" setting for a period of time in order to verify if this is in fact the cause of the issue, or not.

turned off the Chrome cookie-cleanup... no new popups.....

mmmmm..... typical.. to protect my privacy, I have to accept pop-up ads..... But OK, issue is solved, thx for your help Good weekend!!

2 hours ago, Peter R Keus said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		turned off the Chrome cookie-cleanup... no new popups.....


		mmmmm..... typical.. to protect my privacy, I have to accept pop-up ads..... But OK, issue is solved, thx for your help Good weekend!!

That's one reason for using CCleaners Custom Clean rather than the browsers own cleaning.

CCleaners Custom Clean gives you more control over which cookies to keep and which ones to zap than (most) browsers do.

6 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		That's one reason for using CCleaners Custom Clean rather than the browsers own cleaning.

		CCleaners Custom Clean gives you more control over which cookies to keep and which ones to zap than (most) browsers do.

one question about renewing subscription NOW (2months early)... will the old end-date still stand, or will the new date be NOW (in other words, subscription is 10 months instead of 12)

Your renawal will start from when the old one ends.

So if you have a month left then the new one should end 13 months later.

On 03/10/2020 at 21:01, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		So if you have a month left then the new one should end 13 months later.

Additional notes: The extra time credit will be applied within 15 working days (usually more like 5) if you renew at most 90 days before expiry and with the same account (ie: you purchase using the same email address as last time). If you purchase "incognito" with a different email address, or more than 3 months early, then the system won't automatically match the two licences - but under those circumstances you can contact support and they'll stitch it all together for you. Probably more detail that you need here: