Stop sending notifications on renewing license

I am absolutely fed up of your mails and notifications since weeks ago with offers.

I WILL RENEW MY SUBSCRIPTION IF I WANT IT, AND IF IT FITS ME, but with so many notifications I feel like stopping everything.

A bit of respect to the privacy of customers would be appreciated

If you don't want to receive email reminders about your subscription, there is an opt-out link at the bottom of each email for your to set your preferences.

Always avoiding responsibilities and throwing the ball to the other side: I said emails AND NOTIFICATIONS!.

How about the annoying banner that appears almost everyday at the bottom of the screen reminding to renew?, This is even worst than emails.

3 hours ago, pandreo said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		banner that appears almost everyday at the bottom of the screen reminding to renew?

Renewal reminder notifications are sent every couple of days if your licence has recently expired (with a headline "This CCleaner license has expired") or if your subscription has failed billing and will expire in the next few days (with a headline "This CCleaner license expires in X days")

From what I can see, your licence expires in about a month, which means that you should be seeing a "Your CCleaner license expires soon" message (with a note about a customer loyalty discount) no more frequently than about once a week. If you are seeing a message saying that your licence has already expired (or that it expires sooner than you expected) you may wish to check Options > About > License Information to make sure that you are using your current active licence key, and not some old one that you may have.

There can be some circumstances where messages appear more frequently than we intend. CCleaner keeps track of "I've already seen this so you don't need to show me again for now" to make sure that users don't get overmessaged, but there are a couple of things that can interfere with this:

  • If you receive a message in one language, and then change your CCleaner language settings, you may get a repeat of the previous message in your new preferred language.
  • If you have instructed CCleaner to wipe its own messaging history via the "Cookies to Keep" (under Options > Cookies) then you may need to right click in the "Cookies to Keep" section and import the following file:cookies.txt
  • Use of some other third party cleaners can wipe some of your CCleaner preferences, including this "I've already seen it" flag.

I have been receiving those reminders (banners) since September or early October, much earlier than my expiration date in mi December. And they have come frequently, so I have felt bombarded by unwanted messages. Sorry, but this has been excessive, and the argument of cookies deleted doesn't justify the bombardment. I am sure you can keep track of messages in a more intelligent way..