Still unsure of some things

I've read the beginners guide & just about every post in the forum ( which was a mistake cuz now I'm overloaded ). I'm sure I should run CCleaner cuz my puter is sooooo slow it's driving me buggy but still unsure of cookies for one thing. As long as I always sign in to forums with user name & password, I don't have to worry about saving any cookies associated with that that correct? And I saw something about "protecting flash cookies" but don't know what that means.


Flash Cookies are cookies used by the Adobe Flash Player (YouTube, NPR etc) they are kept in a different location than your normal cookies.

Glad you read the Guide and the Forum; thats 20 steps more than most people. :)

Running the Cleaner section of CCleaner is quite safe (though be careful with the advanced section it is as it say advanced)

The Registry section. . . well read my signature :) Keep coming back and you too can be a help to those who don't read the guide and forum and my signature (can you tell I'm in love with my signature HAHAHA)