Comes in handy when you want to see if gmail, facebook or youtube for instance are having problems.
Comes in handy when you want to see if gmail, facebook or youtube for instance are having problems.
I've been using to determine if the problem is in my network or is the site down.
The site I posted about is just for those popular webservices listed there, and you can see at a glance the service status.
Downforeveryoneorjustme is for the rest of the world
One time, when Facebook had an outtage, downrightnow was taken down by the influx of people going there to see if Facebook was down
I use this for netflix when I'm experiencing problems with constant rebuffering
One time, when Facebook had an outtage, downrightnow was taken down by the influx of people going there to see if Facebook was down
They should've went to to see if was down.
For some reason when somethings only down for my connection I remember that depressed robot from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, and think in his voice style "oh no, this is just horrible."