Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013


Got an issue with the Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).

OS: Windows 7 x 64

CCleaner: Portable, version 4 (but also with version 3.xx as well)

CCleaner: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"

ini files: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\......"

Been using CCleaner for some time, and have gotten somewhat familiar with it's operation. However, I've for some time that my Recently Used files keep getting wiped after CCleaner runs. So I checked to make sure I had the told Cleaner to ignore Office 2010 (under Applications->Office 2010 (no checkmark)). Ran CCleaner64, and the MRU list of Explorer and Word was wiped.

Next I tried adding an exemption to the 'ccleaner.ini' file as suggested here on the forums.

Exclude1=REG|HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\File MRU

Exclude2=REG|HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\File MRU

Ran CCleaner64, and the Start Menu MRU list of Explorer and Word was wiped.

Next, I exported CCleaners ini files (CCleaner64.exe /EXPORT) and commented out the registry entries under Office 2010 entry in 'winapp.ini'. I.e.

;RegKey16=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\File MRU

;RegKey17=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Place MRU


;RegKey28=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\File MRU

;RegKey29=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Place MRU

Ran CCleaner64, and the MRU list of Explorer and Word was still wiped.

Finally, I changed the default "[Office 2010]" entry to False in 'winapp.ini'. Ran CCleaner64, and the MRU list of Explorer and Word was STILL wiped. Additionally, I noticed that in my 'ccleaner.ini' file had a new entry "(App)Office 2010=False", which tells me CCleaner is seeing that I disabled the whole feature in 'winapp.ini'.

At this point I figured I better ask for some additional eyes on the problem before I got too frustrated and grumpy! ;)

I fear I'm missing something incredibly easy to spot, but can't figure out what that might be. Appreciate any suggestions you might have.


Next , I exported CCleaners ini files (CCleaner64.exe /EXPORT) and commented out the registry entries under Office 2010 entry in 'winapp.ini'. I.e.

;RegKey16=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\File MRU

;RegKey17=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Place MRU


;RegKey28=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\File MRU

;RegKey29=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Place MRU

This won't achieve anything, if you want to test this out rename winapp.ini to winapp1.ini

Also the True/False Setting is just for the default not what it is set to once you've checked/unchecked the entry.

Appreciate the quick reply.

ReExported the INI files, and renamed the "winapp.ini" to "winapp1.ini" (should have read the "Advanced Usage" section of PiriForm's help better, so thank you for the gentle reminder). Cut the entries in that 'winapp1.ini' file down to just the one "[Office 2010]" entry. Commented out the 16,17,28,29 sections. Also commented out the entry:


to preserve the "*.LNK" files (in case they had some bearing on the matter).

1) Reloaded the test workbooks (to generate the recent shortcuts in the Start Menu).

2) Ran CCleaner64.

The Start Menu entries disappear!

HOWEVER, the excluded Registry entries ARE still there, and the '*.LINK" files ARE still there.

A Textual Difference comparison of the "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0]" registry chain from both before and after the CCleaner64 run shows that there is NO difference.

That tells me I'm getting a clean action somewhere else. Time to start looking through the StartMenu cleaning options. Looks like I'll have to fire up 'procmon' and see what's going down.

Appreciate the help, and I'll keep slaving away at it

I suggest you deselect EVERY checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).

Then enable one checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).

Then enable the next checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel),

... and repeat until you find the culprit that removes your MRU list.

sounds (from the informative post you seem to have removed) like you have figured out that isn't the applications tab, but maybe something on the system tab.

but even though I've tried removing all entries from the 'winapp1.ini' file except for [Office 2010], CCleaner still seems to be ignoring my instructions.

I suggest you deselect EVERY checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).

Then enable one checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).

Then enable the next checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel),

... and repeat until you find the culprit that removes your MRU list.

:blink: we're well past that stage in this thread' not that you can tell since Dave deleted his good post ;)

please Dave let me re post it for you, you done good in it

sounds (from the informative post you seem to have removed) like you have figured out that isn't the applications tab, but maybe something on the system tab.

:blink: we're well past that stage in this thread ;)

I guess I would have known that if the informative post had not been removed :rolleyes:

yup I re-edited to note that at the same time you were posting :P

Sorry for the extensive edit everyone. I've got some free time today, so I've decided to dig into the beast and see what's going down. Won't happen again. I'll post (cleanly) once I get some results back from procmon.

Thanks again,


First off, thanks for the quick replies and the help. This issue has been nagging at me for a while, and your responces definatly helped.

Short answer:

Disable 'Taskbar Jump Lists'

I guess I'm getting too long in the tooth, but hadn't considered those "Recent Files" that Office Applications show you in the Start Menu were classified as "Jump Lists". I was thinking "Recent Files" or "MRU". Goes to show you that sometimes beeing too technically specific is a problem too.

That said, once I got the terminology right, I could start looking around and see what was going down. Of course the excellent help on the CCleaner forums was the primary reference, and I found several answers there that basically told me I had been looking for the wrong thing.

Longer Answer:

Disable "Taskbar Jump Lists". Found in "winsys.ini", CCleaner uses the SpecialKey "N_EX_JUMP_LISTS", to perform the cleaning action. Whatever PiriForm voodoo that is, I'm just disableing it and not looking any further. =)

Locate the specific registry entries for removing the "[Office 2010]" recent files (in 'winapp.ini'), and exclude them using the "ccleaner.ini" file. I.e.

Exclude1=REG|HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\File MRU

Exclude2=REG|HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Place MRU


By putting them in the 'ccleaner.ini' file, it saves me the hassle of having to regenerate the "winapp1.ini" file very time an update is made.

From what I can tell (conditionally verified in the forums as well), the "FileKey1=%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent|*.*" entry found at the start of the "[Office 2010]" entry doesn't *seem* to make any difference in my case. YMMV.

The end result is that:

1) I keep the "Recent" file entries in my "Start Menu" for Office Applications

2) I keep my "Recent" file entries in the specific applications (through File->Open).

Thank you again everyone.