Start menu coming back

Looks like MS is finally going to fix windows 8. They are bringing back the start menu.

They are also going to allow the metro apps to be run in windows on the desktop. This should pretty much fix all the problems I've had with windows 8.

heard that before with 8.1 "we're bringing back the Start Button".

wasn't actually a lie as it turned out but not exactly what we were expecting either.

let's see in what format they bring it back as and when....

There is a picture of it on that link. Its from the MS Build conference from a few days ago. It looks like win7 with a few live tiles added in. Looks good enough to me. I already have start 8 but I would rather not have to use it.

Looks like MS is finally going to fix windows 8.

After working on my aunts Win8 laptop computer last week it frustrated the hell out of me, so the only way they could properly fix it in my views is to release Win9 and let Win8 fade into a distant memory and be forgotten.

That is actually what this update may be. MS hasn't said if the screens it released were from windows 8.1, windows 8.2, or windows 9.

I wouldn't be surprised if win9 is released as a free or cheap update to 8. MS really screwed up with 8.

i don't miss the start menu and am not anxious to see it return. I'll upgrade to windows 9 (or whatever they call it) when it comes out though, probably. Gaming takes precedence for me :)

Windows 9 is still a year away, so it would not surprise me to see something released between now and then. It would have been a home run for Microsoft if they had marketed two versions of Windows 8, the current one for touch devices and a second with the traditional start menu for desktops and laptops. Now they have to go "back to the future" to attempt to regain what was lost.

It would have been a home run for Microsoft if they had marketed two versions of Windows 8,

if they had done that they wouldn't have been able to be able to do this:

OMG it's about time. I still haven't upgraded to 8.1 but I'll do whatever it takes to have Windows look like Windows is supposed to look because I freaking hate 8.

I like 8, and I would consider myself a 'power user,' I've had no problems with 8 in terms of my daily usage (though I do wish it'd track bandwidth usage on non-wireless connections, just cause I like statistics)

I get people don't like change, but as far as I can tell, 8 is a 30% faster 7 with a less gaudy aero and a full screen start menu which is a waste of space, but way better and more robust than the old one. In the hour or so I was on 8.1 before wiping again the other week, I actually decided I didn't totally care for the changes they made to searching on the start screen compared to 8.1.

Hopefully they can find a less obtrusive but still as useful middle ground (I use start mostly for searching, in case that wasn't apparent ;) )

According to my info (Shane from "") MS will only make some minimal changes. The changes will be just enough to not annoy users anymore. We won't see the entire menu coming back.

But we'll have to wait & see.

I like 8, and I would consider myself a 'power user,' I've had no problems with 8 in terms of my daily usage (though I do wish it'd track bandwidth usage on non-wireless connections, just cause I like statistics)

I get people don't like change, but as far as I can tell, 8 is a 30% faster 7 with a less gaudy aero and a full screen start menu which is a waste of space, but way better and more robust than the old one. In the hour or so I was on 8.1 before wiping again the other week, I actually decided I didn't totally care for the changes they made to searching on the start screen compared to 8.1.

Hopefully they can find a less obtrusive but still as useful middle ground (I use start mostly for searching, in case that wasn't apparent ;) )

I have no experience with 7 so I have no idea how it compares. I went from XP right to 8. I don't mind change, but 8 to me is just...awful. XP was easier to navigate and you didn't have have those snap back windows that you mouse over to in the left corner of the screen. You didn't have to "view apps" to get to a program. Shut down, control panel, etc was easier to get to. I just don't like the overall design of 8. My brother has Vista on his computer and said even that's better than my 8. But of course, everyone has their own preferences and they like 8, more power to them. I hate it. lol :lol:

According to my info (Shane from "") MS will only make some minimal changes. The changes will be just enough to not annoy users anymore. We won't see the entire menu coming back.

But we'll have to wait & see.

Ugh. Can I just have XP back? lol

According to my info (Shane from "") MS will only make some minimal changes. The changes will be just enough to not annoy users anymore. We won't see the entire menu coming back.

But we'll have to wait & see.

Microsoft has already said that it is coming back and released pictures.

They also showed "modern" apps working on the desktop in windows. This isn't happening next week with the big update but it is coming.

those Start Menu screen shots are a positive sign if they actually make it to some future OS release.

at the moment, they are just that - screen shots.

for all I know, made by someone wise in the ways of Photoshop (ok, it's out - I'm a glass half empty guy)

and all developers with beta versions are well known at changing the goal posts.

if those shots were from a working OS then a release would be soon, maybe Win8.1u2 but who knows as none of all this is based on anything official from MS, who, lets face it, know when things are happening but love the 'leaked' 'official' facts that get reported on the web by 'people-in-the-know'.

My guess is it will be an 8.1update2

It looks neat anyways.

I'm not sure why you guys are debating if this is official or not. Microsoft got up on stage and showed it off. :huh:

Anyway, this is a good thing and I hope it comes soon.

I like the changes MS is making. I've been using office for ipad since its release and its pretty great. My iPad was already my primary computer when it came to entertainment and it may soon be my primary computer for work too.

Okay that's it, back to Win ME!

Why not go to Microsoft Bob. :lol:

Nice video "Start Menu coming back to Windows 2014", although the users who switched over to Linux probably aren't coming back to Windows anytime soon. I know of more than enough people who are free Linux users now, all because of Win8.

Nice video "Start Menu coming back to Windows 2014", although the users who switched over to Linux probably aren't coming back to Windows anytime soon. I know of more than enough people who are free Linux users now, all because of Win8.

I tried to switch to linux. I just couldn't do it. The software just wasn't stable enough for me. Every distro would crash for one reason or another. There is always some little isssue, non working hardware, ect. To be honest instead of moving to linux, I moved to iOS and Android. I use my iPad Air the most(I plan to use it even more now since it has full MS Office) but I also use my nexus 7 and galaxy s3 quite a bit. I find these better alternatives for most things.

Only time I use my laptop is for doing school work(hopefully iPad takes this over). I use my desktop purely for gaming now, and I don't see anything taking its place anytime soon.