Star Wars Episode III

Star Wars III is totally awesome, everything in it is awesome. I watched the 3:15am showing, it's 6:47am right now, and I have to be at work 8am. Not to mention I am going on 5 hours of sleep. I don't want to work today.


Star Wars III is totally awesome, everything in it is awesome. I watched the 3:15am showing, it's 6:47am right now, and I have to be at work 8am. Not to mention I am going on 5 hours of sleep. I don't want to work today.


lucky you :angry:

My parents wouldn't let me because it's a school night... it sucks because I'm at school and so far there's nothing that would require me to be awake anyway :lol:

I'll try and see it on Saturday...

Star Wars III is totally awesome, everything in it is awesome. I watched the 3:15am showing, it's 6:47am right now, and I have to be at work 8am. Not to mention I am going on 5 hours of sleep. I don't want to work today.


Cool B) I'd like to go see this one since I have lived thru the series!!!!

I was at the bank yesterday and the teller was discussing the movie with a customer. She has not seen ANY of the Star Wars movies. I couldn't believe it. I said, you must have been born after 1977, she laughted and said yes. She said she grew up in a household of girls and all they watched was some Pony show??

Anyway, I grew up with the Batman series, am a big "superhero" fan, (Batman 1st, of course). I told her that I am looking forward to the newest Batman movie. I have three sons and have gotten them hooked on it too. When they were little they had all the batman toys, even dressed up in capes. It was so cute. I am female, and love this stuff. (I played with Barbies when I was little, I kept all of it thinking I would have girls, Oh Well)

Looking forward to the Star Wars Movie...I have seen them all. Saw the first one (actually 6th in the series) back in 1977 in the movies. If you did not see it at that time, you would not understand the impact of seeing such technology on a big screen. It just was not seen before. When the words first came across the screen scrolling into space...WOW, that sent chills down everyones spines. Try to explain that to the kids these days. And to think the original movie was done on such a small budget.

Have A Good Day!

Saw it last night
