Lately I've been getting the message Stack overflow at line: 0 when loading CNN, and only CNN.
What could cause that? Any ideas?
Lately I've been getting the message Stack overflow at line: 0 when loading CNN, and only CNN.
What could cause that? Any ideas?
Couple of things to try, does it do it with a different browser?
Does it still happen if you clear your temporary internet files?
Hi, Hazel. I'm using only IE8. I didn't have this Stack Overflow with IE7, maybe that's why so many don't like IE8.
Just now cleared my temp files, reloaded CNN and it didn't reappear. I'll watch that. CNN is so bloated, I don't have this issue with Yahoo, or anywhere else.
Also see this page
I have script debugging disabled in IE8
Yes, those 3 listed items were already set as per the instructions on your link.
I had found these fixes when googling.
Honestly - please use either Firefox or Chrome. Such a more pleasurable experience. Infinitely customizable. Faster. More secure. Heck, I'd even tell you to use Opera over IE, and I'm not a fan of it.
Honestly - please use either Firefox or Chrome. Such a more pleasurable experience. Infinitely customizable. Faster. More secure. Heck, I'd even tell you to use Opera over IE, and I'm not a fan of it.
I agree with all points - except the "More secure" one. Firefox is, currently, the less secure browser, and Chrome doesn't sandbox plugins so you're vulnerable to all the Flash and other plugins flaws.
Here's what security expert Charlie Miller (he won the Pwn2Own competition three times in a row hacking Safari) says :
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Aethec I like your kitty avatar. I thought of using it at one time, and will enjoy seeing it again.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Aethec I like your kitty avatar. I thought of using it at one time, and will enjoy seeing it again.
Too bad the forum limit is 90x90, it's blurry
Honestly - please use either Firefox or Chrome. Such a more pleasurable experience. Infinitely customizable. Faster. More secure. . .
Yup, I agree. Firefox is running good. No trubbs at all.