After the optimizing my SSD in the MICROSOFT SURFACE with Defraggler V.2.16.809 the area of used space bigger than bevor (~ 1 GB). After De-Installation from Defraggler the used space is from 39 GB to 46 GB enlarged. Whats wrong?
As mta has already stated, do not defragment a SSD drive, it is needless wear and tear. Trim and wear leveling are all that is needed. Here is a good article I found on the SSD Review website that explains how to optimize Windows 7 and 8 when using a SSD on your system: Please note: There are six pages in all to this guide, look for the yellow bar part way down the page.
Above and beyond everything else; do not defrag SSD devices. Simply no point or benefit.
How did you run DF?
Was VSS, restore points & hibernation files excluded?
Did you abort DF before it completed?
SSD drives are automatically excluded by default, did you turn that feature on?
My SSD was not defragmented: ONLY optimized. I've not abort DF beforr it was completed. Restore points & hibernation files are excluded. VSS is not excluded. This are the correct porperty?
Thanks for your answer. I've re-installing DF and optmise my ssd of the MICROSOFT SURFACE PRO 2 (WIN 8.1) with Defraggler, not in drive Feature from Windows. Is "Stop VSS" also recommended in the optimize-Modus or only in defrag?
ticking the box to Stop VSS while defragging is recommended to prevent Windows playing with restore points due to changes in volume shadowing while defragging which in-turn can lead to more defragging.