
For the first time since last October I have been sitting in the garden in warm sun.

I have a garden swing and have been sitting, my feet swinging gently while having my eyes closed. I could hear the birds calling to each other and telling themselves how much there was to do..sticks to collect...nests to build and eggs to lay.

Opening my eyes I noticed the colours in the garden had returned, flowers seemed to have opened overnight.

I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels.

Spring has arrived :)

... and here was me thinking this was going to be a post about the java spring framework ... but I much prefer your train of thought!

Sunny spring is poking through in Shropshire too :)

Where as i don't share your ability to be fluent in bird, i did just how ever enjoy a lovely run in are local woods/fields.

So much nicer in the warm sun

"How nice to be in England....now that England`s here,

I stand upstraight in my wheelbarrow and prentend I`m Boadicea!" :lol:

Hazelnut I too have been in the garden cutting back with the birds singing and Fluffy the cat with me basking in the sun meowing......


Hot hot hot, ahhhhh hot hot hot! I can't even go outside and sit on my deck, it's so hot! :lol: Spring is a nice relief from winter though.

We went from winter, straight into summer with middle 70F and low 80F, then right back into winter with 40F - all in the span of this week! Supposed to get frost on the ground tonight too, then the temps are suppose to rise rapidly again.

I cut my grass for the first time this year, and I was serenaded by a Blackbird for the entire time.

It was still singing away after dark ... Magic. And it will start singing at about 3.00am ... not so magic, but how can you complain about a bird singing. :)

but how can you complain about a bird singing.

Every morning for 3 months at 3/4am believe me i was very much complaining.

Wish it were spring here, its missing.


Light snow this morning, not much, doesn't stick around too long.

Light snow this morning, not much, doesn't stick around too long.

It was 32F this morning, tomorrow it's supposed to be 73F. Yo-yo weather!

That's why they call it Spring. Boing boing boing.

Every morning for 3 months at 3/4am believe me i was very much complaining.

To be honest, if I'd had a shotgun handy some of these 3.00am starts, I'd have waved it angrily under it's nose beak.

But to do that I would have had to climb out of bed. So difficult at 3.00am.

To be honest, if I'd had a shotgun handy some of these 3.00am starts, I'd have waved it angrily under it's nose beak.

But to do that I would have had to climb out of bed. So difficult at 3.00am.

Maybe get one of those wooden Owl statues, that would keep all kinds of animals away from your property. Then again some animals are so oblivious to danger they may pay it no attention, or know it isn't real.

Great thread. I love the warm weather and it has been beautiful here as of late. Nothing makes the heart smile like a sunny day. :)

In our place, its looking like the introduction to a hot year with 32 degrees Celsius room temperature average. Imagine it being 35 or 37 outside, we call it summer not spring. The sun's rays felt too hot like they can burn the skin unlike just a few years ago when they were cooler.

Global Warming has taken its toll.

In our place, its looking like the introduction to a hot year with 32 degrees Celsius room temperature average. Imagine it being 35 or 37 outside, we call it summer not spring. The sun's rays felt too hot like they can burn the skin unlike just a few years ago when they were cooler.

Global Warming has taken its toll.

You mean Global Warming is taking its toll. ;) And it's only started.

You mean Global Warming is taking its toll. ;) And it's only started.

Yes its taking its toll but it has already taken a lot of effect on the world today.

Sometimes, its no longer global warming, its global burning now lol.

Hide the decline!

Global Warming has taken its toll.

From the severe winter we had the news was all over that GW topic, and some experts have stated it may just be a ploy to get funding. That and the documentation that was leaked about the leaders in GW possibly falsifying information to governments and the world population that again leads right back to them wanting money.

I'm still spraying away with the Chlorofluorocarbons, but it ain't getting any warmer where I live.