DriverMax - for Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 2003
Latest version: 3.4 (free program)
If you?ve used TweakUAC, you?ve seen the ?quiet? option it offers that lets you suppress the elevation prompts of UAC without turning the UAC off completely. In such a mode, you keep all the positive effects of UAC, such as Internet Explorer operating in the protected mode, applications starting without the administrative privileges by default, etc. The only thing that gets changed is that you will no longer see the infamous ?Windows needs your permission to continue? messages whenever you attempt to make a change to your Vista configuration, or when you run a program that needs administrative rights.
NeoSmart Technologies is hosting a copy of the Windows Vista Recovery Disc for your convenience. It is a 120 MiB download, and in the standard ISO format.
Microsoft seems to have realized this problem, and have thankfully made a recovery disc for this purpose. It contains the contents of the Windows Vista DVD's "recovery center," as we've come to refer to it. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista.