SPEED : Diskeeper vs Defraggler

Anyone have any perspective (or reason) why Diskeeper is (apparently) LIGHTENING FAST compared to every other defragmeter, including Defraggler?

In addition to Defraggler, I use a FREE version of Diskeeper, specfically Diskeeper Lite 9 version 9.0.528.0 from 2005. Therfore, I would appreciate those who refrain from making moot or sarcastic comments regarding the issue of "FREE" software versus all other defragmenting software.

I should also mention that when I defrag, the following batch file commands are executed to disable antivirus, firewall and other related software...

sc stop AntiVirService

sc config AntiVirService start= disabled

sc stop AntiVirScheduler

sc config AntiVirScheduler start= disabled

sc stop BITS

sc config BITS start= disabled

sc stop wuauserv

sc config wuauserv start= disabled

sc stop SharedAccess

sc config SharedAccess start= disabled

sc stop wscsvc

sc config wscsvc start= disabled

...as a result, slower defragmenters, like Defraggler, are NOT handicapped by issues of antivirus, firewall or related software.

Other than its ability to defrag a single file (versus the whole drive), performance-wise, thus far, I find only one issue why I prefer Defraggler over Diskeeper Lite 9.



Anyone have any perspective (or reason) why Diskeeper is (apparently) LIGHTENING FAST compared to every other defragmeter, including Defraggler?

In addition to Defraggler, I use a FREE version of Diskeeper, specfically Diskeeper Lite 9 version 9.0.528.0 from 2005. Therfore, I would appreciate those who refrain from making moot or sarcastic comments regarding the issue of "FREE" software versus all other defragmenting software.

Other than its ability to defrag a single file (versus the whole drive), performance-wise, thus far, I find only one issue why I prefer Defraggler over Diskeeper Lite 9.



Hi Marty,

Mainly,Different strokes for different folks.

No personal experience with Diskeeper 9.

The speed that impresses me most is how quickly Defraggler has matured in just one year.

Look up member "thm" posts and you will find some very informative threads about Defraggler versus other defrag products. Go back several months to get all the data. There are other users threads also but "thm" search on member name will lead you to most of them.

Nothing beats info from people who have used many products.

Good hearing from you,

:) davey

P.S. You can also follow the Great Defrag Shootout starting here. This will show the many comparisons.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another Look at Defraggler

Hi Marty,

Mainly,Different strokes for different folks.

No personal experience with Diskeeper 9.

The speed that impresses me most is how quickly Defraggler has matured in just one year.

Look up member "thm" posts and you will find some very informative threads about Defraggler versus other defrag products. Go back several months to get all the data. There are other users threads also but "thm" search on member name will lead you to most of them.

Nothing beats info from people who have used many products.

Good hearing from you,

:) davey

Thanks for your reply, davey.

With due respect... I did express my interest that everyone refrain from making "moot" comments, and while your comments are interesting, I find that they have no intrinsic value (unless your goal is to market Defraggler) regarding my post.

Thanks again,


While I too noticed Diskeeper to be fast, it doesnt seem to do a thorough job compared to other defraggers like PerfectDisk.

Also Diskeeper may not be aggressive when consolidating free space.

...as a result, slower defragmenters, like Defraggler, are NOT handicapped by issues of antivirus, firewall or related software.

To this day if I want to do a full system defrag (you know the slow type) I disable the antivirus real-time protection as it can easily add another 25%-50% to the total defrag time. When doing a files only defrag with Defraggler I don't find it necessary.

While I too noticed Diskeeper to be fast, it doesnt seem to do a thorough job compared to other defraggers like PerfectDisk.

Also Diskeeper may not be aggressive when consolidating free space.

I am in complete agreement with your perspective on Diskeeper regarding its ability to consolidate free space, anonymous_user.

Diskeeper fails miserably with respect to free space, leaving far too much space between defragmented files. As a result, future files stored are often initially fragmented. I find this issue a HUGE problem when recording over-the-air HDTV broadcasts, where files often exceed 5 GB.

Thanks for your post.



To this day if I want to do a full system defrag (you know the slow type) I disable the antivirus real-time protection as it can easily add another 25%-50% to the total defrag time. When doing a files only defrag with Defraggler I don't find it necessary.

As do I, Andavari.

Thanks for your post.

