Specific Forum Moderators

I was just going through the Mod team, and realised that all all the Forum Mods are dead (per se). Some of the other active users should be given the new job of cleaning forums like 'The Lounge'?

This will make the Global Moderator's work much easier. They already have enough responsibilities with the On-Topic threads, so let others handle the off-topic spammers?

Just a thought. :)

The first person I thought of was Davey, but he hasn't been around in ages :(

Here is a list I came up with













If there was another moderator it would have to be more than just dealing with 'The Lounge' area because spammers don't only spam that area of the forum.

So in other words a new mod would have full reign over all areas of the forum. It would be completely silly to limit a mod to 'The Lounge' if they're logged in and notice a spam post in say the Recuva area and not being able to do anything about it.

Yes Andavari is right, we cannot just have 'half a mod' It also means people have to be prepared to give up a bit of their spare time.

(Been on holiday for a week, so my spare time has been spent having a nice time!)

I am still a student, I can volunteer... I have quite the free time and I'm mostly awake O.o But I guess, you need someone more experienced.

I am still a student, I can volunteer... I have quite the free time and I'm mostly awake O.o But I guess, you need someone more experienced.

It's not just a case of volunteering ishan. Moderators on this forum are usually asked via an admin after discussions :)

It's not just a case of volunteering ishan. Moderators on this forum are usually asked via an admin after discussions :)

I'm aware of that. Anyway, I love this place and would like to see it clean. That's all. I always report spam :)

I'm aware of that. Anyway, I love this place and would like to see it clean. That's all. I always report spam :)

Believe me we are grateful to all of the members who report spam (and lots of you do). You don't see the half of it I'm afraid, we remove spam on an hourly basis most days :(

Okay, I think there shouldn't be specific forum moderators but "Spam Busters." Do ask MrG. Many members will be more thank happy to volunteer.

Cheers to the hardworking Mods.

Okay, I think there shouldn't be specific forum moderators but "Spam Busters." Do ask MrG. Many members will be more thank happy to volunteer.

Cheers to the hardworking Mods.

No need for 'spam buster' volunteers ishan. As you know all members have to do is press the 'Report' button at the bottom left of any spam post, and then all moderators and admins are automatically sent a pm about the post.

Right. :)

*Sniff* I miss Davey :(

*Sniff* I miss Davey :(


I wonder if davey is active on other forums, then perhaps we can see a glimpse of how he's been doing.

Marmite has been gone since last April, I think. What happened to him??? He was a great member.

Like the other mods, and probably members as well, I've left pm's for both of them in case they ever show up.

In both cases I sincerely hope they are both in good health.

I spent a bit of time looking around. Didn't find anything much. Davey's profile says he is from Maryland, Marmite from the UK. Ran out several easy "leads", to no conclusion. I quit looking, thinking anything more would be intrusive.

Being a admin on my own forum takes up enough of my own time. We have 11k members.

Even though it's an un "moderated" forum as such, We only ever act if illegal images are posted which is extreamly rare.

The forum is a million miles away from this one, being a admin on here takes such a different approach. I dont think i could, or would want to do it. Admins here deserve applause

Since Davey's listed in Maryland and I'm in New York, maybe I'll drive out and go door-to-door.

"knock knock"

'whose there?'


'wha-no- who is this'