Speccy v1.05

sp_64.pngWe've made some more improvements and changes to Speccy as we continue to update it.Change log:

  • Support for newest Intel and AMD CPUs.
  • Added GFX driver version to summary panel.
  • Improved NVidia SLI status detection.
  • Hard disk info now includes serial number.
  • Improved HD drive type detection for AMD Phenom motherboards.
  • Added "Check for updates" link to status bar.
  • Internet connection test added.
  • Added support for Hungarian language.
  • Uninstall now removes older 32-bit installations correctly.
  • Improved uninstall to remove dmp and log files.
  • Minor tweaks and improvements.

For more information on Speccy and to download visit www.piriform.com/speccy

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I see one of my bug reports being fixed.

One up!

The Portable build ZIP file download (http://www.piriform.com/speccy/builds) doesn?t seem to work.

I've tried using a different browser (Opera) on a different PC to no avail.

Can someone please investigate and resolve.


Yes the download for portable speccy seems to be broken.

I've brought it to the attention of MrG, although it may be the morning before he sees the message.

Running setup I was offered "Deutsche" and not "English" as the default language install.

Speccy still doesn't display core temperature for Pentium 4 processors (and why not??)

RAM reports are highly inaccurate for "Summary" section Speccy reports 1.3GB but I have 1.25GB (1280MB).

If my machine really did have 1.3GB then I should have a total of 1331.2MB.

The rounding off error may seem small however the error difference is a total of 51.2MB.

I've reported this many times in the past, I hope the rounding errors finally get fixed.

Richard S.

I love the new features! :)

"Check for updates" string is not translate right?

I love the new features! :)

"Check for updates" string is not translate right?

I don't know about the other translators, but I didn't get any "there are Speccy strings to translate" e-mail, so I translated those yesterday.

Just to put an end, Portable Version Downloads are fixed :)





Murik, Please post what you mean by showing these pictures (even if you have to do it in Russian and use Google Translate to make it English).

Google Translate:

Мурик, пожалуйста, напишите, что вы имеете в виду, показывая эти фотографии (даже если у вас есть, чтобы сделать это на русском языке и использовать Google Translate, чтобы сделать его английский).

Is he pointing out that the Bus Width shows correct in English but not in Russian?

Only guessing here.

На английском языке программа показывает правильно, при переключении на русский язык, не правильно.

Google Translate:

In English, the program displays correctly when switching to the Russian language is not correct.

LOL I didn't see the underlined part :huh:

Thank you for your report, I am sure the developers will look at this.

Google Translate

LOL Я не видел очередь, отметил, :huh:

Спасибо за ваш отчет, я уверен, что разработчики будут смотреть на это

Many thanks Piriform & Mr. G - this version of Speccy has correctly identified my system and all of it's components.

PS: installation offered in English 1st and subsequent installations.