Speccy not show the right hard drive interface

First off I would like to say thank you for an awesome application!

So I'm using the portable version of Speccy, somehow it's showing the wrong or unknown interface. On my custom computer, it says that my 80GB Seagate HDD is on an IDE interface and my second Seagate 1TB HDD is of an unknown interface. Then on my family's main HP computer, it says that the interface for both Seagate 360 HDD are IDE as well. If I'm not wrong, IDE usually refers to the old PATA or EIDE ribbon interface? It should say that all my HDD are on a SATA interface..?

On another note, is Speccy suppose to report what's the RPM your HDD is spec at, 5,400 RPM, 7,200 RPM, 10,000 RPM, 15,000 RPM..? If it is, I don't see it anywhere...

Thank you for your time,


I've reported a similar thing before. My Vista laptop is a SATA but it shows

156.29GB Western Digital WDC WD1600BEVS-22RST0 (IDE)

But my desktop is a SATA and it shows SATA. ;)

Mine are both Desktop type. I haven't tried it on a Laptop yet. Does yours show the speed the HDD is rated at?

The laptop shows

RPM/Buffer Size or Attribute: 5400 RPM with 8 MB cache (Mobile)

but the desktop doesn't show any speed. ;)

Indeed, my HDD gets recognized as an IDE as well, while is is SATA.

I have the Samsung 250GB SATA300 16MB, HD253GJ which runs at 7200RPM

My desktop is a 500GB Seagate Barracuda ST3500418AS (SATA) it doesn't show the speed but if you Google it its 7200rpm. ;)

That's odd that it doesn't show the Desktop HDD speed but it does on the Laptop... :(

For anyone still reading this post, hard drives are typically identified as IDE, Intigrated Device Electronics.

SATA is the method of connection to storage devices such as hard disks, solid-state drives, and CD-ROM drives.