I have posted about this problem before but got no useful suggestion. I suspect that the answer is pretty simple but I don't know what it is. Speccy runs, but is providing no useful information. It sees the correct O/S but shows "Class Not Registered" for every other item. See the attachment. Any suggestions?
Try reinstalling Speccy
Try reinstalling Speccy
I've removed and installed Speccy a couple of times. That is not the answer.
Well I dont have a problem on WinXP SP3 or Vista Home Premium it shows the proper spec within reason.
That's certainly helpful.
Is there anything 'different'' about your pc that might cause this?
Did you build the pc yourself?
Was the operating system pre-installed? (if you didn't build it)
Visual basic runtimes up to date?
All virus/malware checks up to date?
Any other thing you have noticed that your pc does that perhaps others don't?
If you use Ccleaner does it show what your graphics card is in the top lefthand corner when you open ccleaner up?
Visual basic runtimes up to date?
PiriForm apps haven't used Visual Basic for years Hazel.
Just going through a list of possible questions and trying to offer some help Lucky10.
I feel it is slightly more helpful than just posting ''well I don't have that problem'' as some posters have done in this thread
Yes Hazel I'm sure you are right.
I think users should post their basic system spec, operating system with service pack number, browsers etc in there signature. It will save asking particular questions have you got this or do you use that?
The poster in this case Lucky already shows what his OS is.
My questions were to try and narrow things down as to the cause of speccy's 'no show'.
Is there anything 'different'' about your pc that might cause this? Not that I'm aware of
Did you build the pc yourself? No, machine is a Dell XPS400, 2.8ghz dual-core with 4GB RAM
Was the operating system pre-installed? (if you didn't build it) Yes, preinstalled. Been reinstalled and updated.
Visual basic runtimes up to date? I have no idea
All virus/malware checks up to date? Yes. Use AVG9 and Malwearbytes
Any other thing you have noticed that your pc does that perhaps others don't? May be having a video card issue. Being discussed with BFG Tech Support
If you use Ccleaner does it show what your graphics card is in the top lefthand corner when you open ccleaner up? Yes, see attached file
I've seen "Class Not Registered" before but only when running Speccy inside BartPE.
It's possible you have registry errors causing Speccy to throw a wobbly.
Richard S.
Try updating the Visual C++ Runtime : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84&displaylang=en
PS : XP on a computer like that ? Is Dell mad ?
Try updating the Visual C++ Runtime : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84&displaylang=en
PS : XP on a computer like that ? Is Dell mad ?
Already running VC++ 2008. New v. of VC++ is dated 4-12-2010, so wouldn't have any application to this problem but updated anyway. I don't understand the comment about my PC & WinXP, SP3. It came w/XP, before Vista & Win7 were published. Vista has come and gone and will be an orphan very shortly. Win7 is way too new for my taste.
Already running VC++ 2008. New v. of VC++ is dated 4-12-2010, so wouldn't have any application to this problem but updated anyway. I don't understand the comment about my PC & WinXP, SP3. It came w/XP, before Vista & Win7 were published. Vista has come and gone and will be an orphan very shortly. Win7 is way too new for my taste.
Also getting this error. I was getting this before but I thought it was from the install/older version of Speccy. I recently got a virus and had to do a complete reinstall and got this:
edit: this is xp pro 32bit SP3 from "TinyXP"
Tiny XP is a mangled version of Windows, Speccy probably doesn't work due to registry or library errors.
Richard S.
Try reinstalling Speccy
I've removed and reinstalled Speccy several times. I might mention that now it doesn't even recognize the O/S. I ran cpuz_154 without a problem. It functioned perfectly.
Yep, that's the screen that I'm getting.
Hi, new to this forum after having same trouble with Speccy on my XP 32bit SP3 + fully updated. I keep getting the "class not recognised" message. I am running dual boot with Win 7 64bit Ultimate on same machine, and Speccy performs perfectly in Win 7. Could it be that with the different windows O/S's, Speccy is throwing up this error message???
I use all the Piriform progs and reccomend them to all my friends. Keep up the good work, Thank you, Wayne