Speccy crash

v1.00.108 ran fine, however v1.00.125 crashes during the analyzing phase.

The crash occurs while analyzing CPU, RAM, motherboard, and hard drives.

Operating system, graphics, optical drives and audio all display fine.


Speccy creates a dump file upon crashing, however that file is 120MB. 30MB if compressed with WinRAR.

I'm willing to upload it if it'll be useful.

- Windows 7 x64

- ASUS P5E motherboard

- Core2Quad Q9550 @ 3.6GHz


- Corsair 8GB DDR2-800MHz RAM

- 3x1TB WD HDD, 2x400GB RAID0


I observed something similar, but worse:

Speccy betas and the new release 1.00.132 lets - while analyzing - my pc come to a complete halt, without any

notification. I have to disconnect the pc from powersupply to restart.

The crash occurs while analyzing CPU, RAM, motherboard, and * hard drives *. The analyzing before (system, graphic,

optical, audio) seems to be okay.

Windws xp prof sp3, currently updated.

Mainboard : MSI K9N4 Ultra-F (MS-7310)

Chipsatz : nVidia nForce4

Prozessor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @ 2000 MHz

Physikalischer Speicher : 1024 MB (2 x 512 DDR2-SDRAM )

Grafikkarte : NVIDIA GeForce 7100 GS

Diskettenlaufwerk : 3?" HD (1.44 Mo)

Laufwerk C: (Festplatte) : 218 GB verf?gbar auf 250 GB

Laufwerk D: (DVD-Rom) : 0 KB verf?gbar auf 0 KB

What happened?

Kind regards from Germany - Helmut


sadly this latest version crash my system too. Have to do a hard reset.


Opteron 180

Nvidia 8800gt

2 GB ram

250 seagate

500 seagate


I observed something similar, but worse:

Speccy betas and the new release 1.00.132 lets - while analyzing - my pc come to a complete halt, without any

notification. I have to disconnect the pc from powersupply to restart.

Tried Speccy for the first time a few hours ago and it froze. Couldn't do anything not even Ctrl-Alt-Del. Had to hard reset as well then I tried it all again and same thing so I uninstalled it.