Speccy crashes with Runtime Error

Hello all @ Piriform,

we sometimes have to use an old PC with an ISA-Slot: Pentium III 1GHz, ASUS P3B-F, 1GB RAM, Dualboot Machine with WIN98SE on C:\ and XPpro on D:\

Running Speccy on this machine under XPpro (we only tried XP), there is a C++ Runtime Error (see attached screenshot). We have actually the newest Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) installed.

Please, where ist the bug? On our other machines (XPpro and WIN7 ones) Speccy does its job...




Hi Tonmeister,

Just a thought, but the issue might be related to possibly having an older version of MSI installed on the XP partition. Have you tried updating MSI and then reinstalling Speccy?

...having an older version of MSI installed on the XP partition. Have you tried updating MSI and then reinstalling Speccy?

Hi GoneToPlaid,

well, you were right. There is msiexec.exe version 2.0.2600.2 on the WIN98SE partition and there had been 3.1.4001.5512 on the XPpro partition. But updating MSI to 4.5.6001.22159 (for XP) and de- / reinstall speccy did not solve the problem.

Might it be possible, that speccy has a problem with the HDDs or drivers? Look at the screenshot! Speccy did recognise all hardware except the drives! I have three ones: two ISA ones and one SCSI...

What do you think about?