I had used Speccy 1.11 without issue on one particular PC - this one.
Today I upgraded to 1.11.265, and it immediately crashed. I rebooted for the same result.
I uninstalled 1.11.265 and downgrade installed the previously successful 1.11.256 - same result, immediately dumps.
It occurs to me the only change since the last time I used Speccy is that I have added a USB 3.0 card (NEC Brand), prior to this, all was OK.
I have the dump files if support would like them? I cannot 'attach' them either as *.dmp, or in a *.rar (and within the size limitation shown)
M.Sc, (Electronics)., CCNP., MCSD., MCSE., ITIL., CSA HP-UX., CNA., MCP., CCNA. & Australian National Drag Racing Association Licensed