Speccy 1.04.173 Question

Hi, All,

I have just installed Speccy 1.04.173 and what a neat, feature-packed little progamme it is! However, my copy is not displaying The CPU or Graphics temperatures. Why is this?


1.05.183 is the latest version. Install and compare results.


1.05.183 is the latest version. Install and compare results.

Hi, Kroozer,

I installed the new version and now I get a Motherboard temperature reading, but still no CPU. Perhaps in the next version. Many thanks for that.

Half solved. :)

Until Speccy is fully cured you may get a CPU reading by installing SpeedFan. Click on SpeedFan 4.41 in paragraph Download.

Works well, kroozer,

I do have OpenHardwareMonitor as well, but Speccy will fulfill my needs when it is perfected.

Thanks for the skinny on OpenHardwareMonitor. :)