My mail box(Spam Folder)full of spam mail MSNBC Breaking News...how can i stop this?? I tried with Gmail spam filter but not works....I deleted all of this mail .This is very annoying...
Any advice.................
My mail box(Spam Folder)full of spam mail MSNBC Breaking News...how can i stop this?? I tried with Gmail spam filter but not works....I deleted all of this mail .This is very annoying...
Any advice.................
Get a new GMAIL address.Hi
My mail box(Spam Folder)full of spam mail MSNBC Breaking News...how can i stop this?? I tried with Gmail spam filter but not works....I deleted all of this mail .This is very annoying...
Any advice.................
Please read:
Have you had a close look at all the info/links in any of the messages? There can often be a link in the "small print" to unsubscribe from that type of email.
Alternatively, you should be able to flag one of their emails as spam in your email settings, which should block any more.
Or you should be able to "block" their address, again in your email settings.
This is from within gmail settings.
Removing spam
To remove spam from your Inbox:
1. Select the unwanted messages.
2. Click Report Spam.
To remove spam from your account forever:
1. Click Spam along the left side of any Google Mail page.
2. Select the messages you'd like to delete and click Delete forever.
3. Or delete everything by clicking Delete all spam messages now.
The more spam you mark, the better our system will get at weeding out those annoying messages. If you or we should happen to make a mistake and mark a good message as spam, click Not Spam at the top of the message. If you marked it as spam, you can also click Undo immediately after to recover the message.
Thanks for reply
Yes i read about this topics but if i dont open this spam mail thn its not problem right??I delete all from spam folder all the time and if i create new gmail account this will stop.....or this going to be same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the spam is only coming from that one source, you should be able to stop it by marking it as spam.
If that's just one example of lots of spam, then it's difficult. If you registered with that site, MSNBC, then you maybe can unsubscribe as I mentioned.
If you have an account with them, you can probably unsubscribe somewhere in your MSNBC account.
I don't know.Thanks for reply
Yes i read about this topics but if i dont open this spam mail thn its not problem right??I delete all from spam folder all the time and if i create new gmail account this will stop.....or this going to be same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not get a GMAIL account to try it out.
I keep getting stuck in the CAPTCHA screens to create an account.
Never ever, ever, ever unsubscribe from suspected spam. This simply confirms to the spammer that your email address is valid. Next thing you know, your spam will get even worse as your email is passed around. Just delete the spam or look for a way to blacklist it in your spam blocker.
Never ever, ever, ever unsubscribe from suspected spam. This simply confirms to the spammer that your email address is valid.
I totally agree with this statement -- NEVER reply or respond -- just DELETE.
I can sympathize with the problem. I get over 300 spam e-mails/day. To help manage this and sort things out, I installed Mailwasher Pro.
. Unfortunately, it's not a freebie, but it works very well for me. Tony Klein (Moderator) put me onto this app -- and I'm so grateful for his suggestion. This stuff (spam) was overtaking me.
I totally agree with this statement -- NEVER reply or respond -- just DELETE.
I can sympathize with the problem. I get over 300 spam e-mails/day. To help manage this and sort things out, I installed Mailwasher Pro.
. Unfortunately, it's not a freebie, but it works very well for me. Tony Klein (Moderator) put me onto this app -- and I'm so grateful for his suggestion. This stuff (spam) was overtaking me.
I like Pop Peeper and its free and you can DELETE the spam without downloading it to your system.
http://www.poppeeper.comDescriptionPOP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), Hotmail\MSN\LiveMail, Yahoo, GMail, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno and NetZero accounts. IMAP supports allows you to access AOL, AIM, Netscape and other services. Send mail directly from POP Peeper and use the address book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you to view messages using HTML or you can choose to safely view all messages in rich or plain text. Several options are available that will decrease or eliminate the risks of reading your email (viruses, javascript, webbugs, etc). POP Peeper can be run from a portable device and can be password protected. Many notification options are availble to indicate when new mail has arrived, such as sound alerts (configurable for each account), flashing scroll lock, skinnable popup notifier, customized screensaver and more.
I don't like Mailwasher because it has the Bounce feature that permits a user to bounce emails back to the sender address that is always forged and will get the forged sender's ISP really upset with the bounced messages.
What the hell was I thinking of today? My head must have been in the clouds.
I've subscribed to a few similar genuine news feeds myself, but I should have remembered that MSNBC was posted about recently as being used by rogue emails.
Damn. No excuse for that one.
I don't like Mailwasher because it has the Bounce feature that permits a user to bounce emails back to the sender address that is always forged and will get the forged sender's ISP really upset with the bounced messages.
You absolutely DO NOT have to use the "bounce" feature in MailWasher -- totally at your discretion.
I've never used PopPeeper, but from the screenshots, I'm wondering if it does any signifcant filtering??? Maybe it does, just can't tell for sure. In addition to the Mailwasher base program, I use some pretty good add-on filters. It works really well for me and it has a high accuracy coding rate. And, just like what was said about PopPeeper, the e-mail itself never hits your computer until you're ready to process it.
A side note . . . I'm not sure that either one of these programs is compatible with online e-mail account such as Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. If I'm not mistaken, they work with a POP3 account with an e-mail client only.
It does not do filtering.I've never used PopPeeper, but from the screenshots, I'm wondering if it does any signifcant filtering???
They work with Hotmail but I don't have the other accounts to check.A side note . . . I'm not sure that either one of these programs is compatible with online e-mail account such as Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. If I'm not mistaken, they work with a POP3 account with an e-mail client only.