Sound card issues

right now i have an issue with my sound card. when i play some music, the music always plays fine but the left speaker sound very lower than the right speaker.

i know this is a problem with the sound card because the Balance thing is at the middle everywhere.

so...any thoughts?

right now i have an issue with my sound card. when i play some music, the music always plays fine but the left speaker sound very lower than the right speaker.

i know this is a problem with the sound card because the Balance thing is at the middle everywhere.

so...any thoughts?

Here are some things to try:

Make sure your sound card is fully seated propery, or reseat it. (make sure the pc is off first)

Be sure to make sure that your line out cable is securely connected, as a half in / out may produce symptons such as that, or perhaps only one channel even.

Some sound cards have multiple outputs. Make sure you really have it in the audio out.

Conversely, if you DO have multi-outs & can't get it to work properly, try the other to see if it does better.

Get a stereo to mono converter, and run both speakers off the same signal if you must, to see if that corrects the volume.

Check your stereo, or speakers, to be sure the wires are fully & not half connected.

Be sure if using a stereo, that one side is not set to stereo main, while you have the other connected to the weaker front, or center channel audio. Switch them to see if the problem is in the stereo or soundcard if you have to, (does the strong speaker go weak? etc) Or test a cd / radio to see if it has equal volume through the stereo to determine if you need to fix it on the stereo or pc end.

Go to the control panel, sound, make sure you enable the taskbar speak icon & double click it. Be sure the left / right sliders are all dead center, or if you relaly need to, set it offset, till the speakers sound the same.

If using win media player, be sure under sound options that it is not set improperly there, be sure left / right are the same.

Download & use the latest audio driver for your sound card.

If you have to, just wire both speakers to the same signal, or if on the stereo, let them use the same side, but use 1/2 to 75% the normal volume you normally use to keep from overheating the stereo. If you have a high power stereo, you may not use much volume so that may not be necessary anyway.

If using USB audio, switch to another mode or use another usb port if available, to see if it does better. Test your usb card seating.

Please let me know if any of this helps. Thanks!

If these still do not work & you need more help, let me know.

P.S., I mentioned the sound card balance because if you double click the volume control in the task tray, go to advanced properties, there are usually additional audio sliders you can add. If you see things like wave audio, cd audio, etc, add those and be sure they are centered. Thanks!

none of this helps. i told you that it's a problem with the sound card and not the computer's configuration. all the wiring and everything is fine but it still produces the same results.

If you know it is with the sound card, why don't you rip the sound card off any old computer, or get a cheap 19 or 29 buck creative labs card?

You could waste hours on the problem, but time is money.

If you spend 8 hours thinking how to fix it, thats how many dollars that you could have already made? yep, you could of bought a new card just as cheap.

Just interested, why do you specifically want to save this faulty card as opposed to using another card that works?



I've noticed that my headphones only come out on one side when I'm playing it very low. The only other time it does that is when my headphones seem to be plugged in, but they need a big push to get in all the way... Sometimes it gets 'stuck' on the outside rim.

I've noticed that my headphones only come out on one side when I'm playing it very low. The only other time it does that is when my headphones seem to be plugged in, but they need a big push to get in all the way... Sometimes it gets 'stuck' on the outside rim.

That was a very nice and logical suggestion, zaph. I mentioned it above, however, but he said he knew for certain it is in his sound card. I guess he really doesn't need our help, hee hee!


well. i think i'll try that. i hope i dont break the comp though.

well. i think i'll try that. i hope i dont break the comp though.

Don't be afraid to try it.

Life is dangerous like that.

However, if you "break" the computer, at least your alive and there are other computers. Risks taken into account, it seems like a worthy rise to take.

Is it possible the contacts in the sound card receptacle where you plug in your audio cable are dirty or bent? You could remove the sound card (computer off) and use a flashlight to look into the receptacle. If the cable got stretched or pulled somehow it may have bent the contacts. If so you may be able to bend them back with a pin or dental pick or something similar. Also, have you checked the audio cable itself?

"right now i have an issue with my sound card. when i play some music, the music always plays fine but the left speaker sound very lower than the right speaker."

i know this is a problem with the sound card because the Balance thing is at the middle everywhere.

so...any thoughts?"

A kadjillion possibilities have been suggested. by me + others. But he already knows what the problem is. Thanks! Problem solved. He doesn't need our help, :P

WTF?!..why are you publicly flaming someone who posted a legitimate question?

WTF?!..why are you publicly flaming someone who posted a legitimate question?

I'm not. He said that, look up.

What's wrong with stating what he said?

I didn't criticise him for it, it's just that it looks like he already knows what to do.

yeah i already know that my sound card is crap. it was prolly made in 1992 or something. i found out that my soundcard is a crappy adlab one. according to wikipedia, Creative > adlab so yeah.

im also gonna open the case so i can look into it. perhaps if i get time, i might steal the floppy drive from my other f***ed up and virus infected computer so i can use floppys. i dont have a floppy drive on this one so yeah.

also i found out a messed up but workish idea which makes the sound go in 2 speakers at once.

yeah i already know that my sound card is crap. it was prolly made in 1992 or something. i found out that my soundcard is a crappy adlab one. according to wikipedia, Creative > adlab so yeah.

im also gonna open the case so i can look into it. perhaps if i get time, i might steal the floppy drive from my other f***ed up and virus infected computer so i can use floppys. i dont have a floppy drive on this one so yeah.

also i found out a messed up but workish idea which makes the sound go in 2 speakers at once.

Good, good. Glad you fixed it. Now about the floppy deal. You have nothing to worry about. As long as your talking about using the floppy drive and new floppies that are not virus infected. Cause the floppy drive itself cannot be infected by a virus.

Have a good day