Hi,can anybody help?
I have recently downloaded soulseek which i really like .i triad shareaza and it didn't impress but thats my opinion.
In soulseek i can download no problem yet i've noticed nobody uploads from me,at the bottom of the screen i can see the search term for songs i have .all my music can be shared with others so why ?
also,how do i get to know my max download speed?thanks.
Max download spped will configure itself over time, I have found. People will upload from you, eventually, and make sure in the settings you accepct uploads from everyone.
thanks for thre reply,
by the way somebody was uploading from me,then suddenly someone started downloading! i was curious so i let it finish when it did i went into my music and the song was there so how come? when i didn't ask for it are people allowed to do this?
You're not making yourself very clear.
As for Soulseek there is an article about it on Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soulseek
I tried Shareaza some time ago when it was 2.0 and I wasnt very impressed either, now its at 2.2.10 and supposedly it should be better but I havent given it a new try yet.
Maybe it can be something with firewall if you have one?
Or some setting?
People can upload files to you, could be the user who was downloading from you wanted to give you a file back? I wouldn't worry about it, it happens rarely.
People can upload files to you, could be the user who was downloading from you wanted to give you a file back? I wouldn't worry about it, it happens rarely.
could you explain what you mean by this further, how can someone else give files to your computer if you are not downloading them? this sounds like a hackers delight...it could be that i misunderstand what it is you are saying Ultimate, but could you pls further explain it.
newhotness this is what happened to me.
when i was on soulseek,i had just finished downloading a song that i wanted.
somebody was uploading from me already. then in the space where i download someone came in and started to download a song onto me,i let it finish and went to my music and there was the song.i had not requested this song and it wasn't from the person who was uploading.
can they do this?
Maybe there's an option somewhere to disable this...
EDIT: Under Options - File Sharing Configuration you can select who you can accept uploads from, it will probably be defualt everyone.