Sort by file type

Been using the 'Pro' version of Recuva for a few versions. When completing a scan ('normal' or 'deep') set to 'find ALL files' it would be very useful to be able to sort the results by file type so that all files with a particular extension are grouped together for easier selection and recovery. I acknowledge that file-type sorting may already be a feature - it's just I have not discovered how to do it.

After a scan type the file type into the search box like


And that should show only the files of that type. I think you can do multiple types by using a comma, but I'll have to check that.

Also, if I recall correctly, the checkmarks will stay checked even after you clear the filter.

If you've run the Wizard switch to Advanced Mode. Enter search terms in the File Name/Path box. Multiple search terms are separated by an 'OR' vertical bar. Alternatively after completing the normal or full scan just enter one extension type (as in Nergal's example) at a time in the File Name/Path box. You don't have to rescan each time. When you've entered a search term the display can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. No nested sorts though.