Sorry I,m new here

But I couldn,t copy & paste from CC,,,,Thanks if You have any ideas,,,I uninstalled acrobat 7 because where I downloaded it from was severely infected,,,Thanks ,,,,Cowboy,,,,,Registry Fixer

Run on 5/28/2006 3:38:34 PM

Registry sections scanned:

? User Software Settings

? Machine Software Settings

? ActiveX and COM Sections

? Fonts Section

? Run Section

? Sound Section

? Uninstall Section

? Services and Device Drivers Section

? Application Paths

? Shared Files

? Help Section

The following items could not be repaired (you can block these items from reappearing the next time you run a scan by pressing the Block Items button below) :

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.FDFDoc/Shell/Read" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.FDFDoc/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.Document/Shell/Open" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.RMFFile/Shell/Read" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.RMFFile/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.XDPDoc/Shell/Read" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.XDPDoc/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.XFDFDoc/Shell/Read" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.XFDFDoc/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.Plugin/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/EDNActivation/Shell/open" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/EBXTransfer/Shell/open" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/PDXFileType/Shell/Read" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/PDXFileType/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

Delete key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/AcroExch.SecStore/DefaultIcon" [5 - Access is denied.]

I would really like to delete this if I can,,,,

i would try going into safe mode (press F8 as your computers booting up) and go to run. type in regedit. click OK. manually go through and delete them.


Thankyou Neighberaaron for Your response I will try that,,,,Cowboy

Uh, are comfortable using regedit? If not please don't do that. You could royally screw yourself.

Click on DAF Med in my sig.

DAF > Tools > Repair Permissions > Go

Let us know how that goes. ;)

Sorry it took so long,,,Neighberaaron,,,I tried it in safe mode & would not let Me delete any,,,,& Krit86lr ,,, I tried to do what You said ,,,It didn,t seem like it downloaded right & asked Me to unzip it,,,The said something like error Not a chosen path,,,any more suggestions,,,& thanks for your responses,,,,Cowboy

do you have acrobat reader installed? if so, that could be why you cant delete them. it looks like all of those keys are from adobe

Sorry it took so long,,,Neighberaaron,,,I tried it in safe mode & would not let Me delete any,,,,& Krit86lr ,,, I tried to do what You said ,,,It didn,t seem like it downloaded right & asked Me to unzip it,,,The said something like error Not a chosen path,,,any more suggestions,,,& thanks for your responses,,,,Cowboy

What OS are you running?

Sorry I dont mean to sound stupid,,,allthough thats debatable,,,but whats OS,,,,thanks Cowboy,,,

thats ok, OS is operating system. such as...

windows 95

windows 98

windows XP


Sorry I dont mean to sound stupid,,,allthough thats debatable,,,but whats OS,,,,thanks Cowboy,,,

Yeah, well if you're using a Windows version that is ME or 98 DAF won't work. If you're using 2000 then you need a program to unzip the folder. Let me know your situation so that I can help you more.

If you aren't logged on as Administrator then try that first. If that doesn't work then you need your permissions repaired.

Duh,,,,thanks guys, I wasn,t thinkin,Windows XPproffesional,I am the ONLY one onthe Puter,,Cowboy,,,Ps I,ll try to download again,,

& Krit86lr - I tried to do what You said. It didn't seem like it downloaded right & asked Me to unzip it. Then it said something like, error not a chosen path. Any more suggestions? Thanks for your responses.

I'm not sure what you're doing wrong. I think you are choosing "run" instead of "save"? When you download it choose "save", and tell it to save to your desktop (somewhere easy). Then install it.

Ok I downloaded it again,,it seemed like it downloaded correctly,,I guess I dont know what to do I extracted it but I cant find anyway to open it or does it even open,,I,m lost you never said what its supposed to do or how to use it,,,& Yes I DID have acro7 but I uninstalled it & tryed to delete anything because it or something with it was infected,,,these are the only remnants left,,,& I want them gone,,Thanks again Cowboy

Ok I downloaded it again. it seemed like it downloaded correctly. I guess I dont know what to do I extracted it but I cant find anyway to open it or does it even open.

Extract it again, and when it asks where to extract it to, browse and select 'desktop'. You already extracted it somewhere, but I don't know where the default location is on your PC.

Thanx krit86lr,,,I cant beleive i,m that stupid,,,I do have it on the desktop,,with 20 other things,,& I didn,t notice the file it added,,,Ran it just like You said ,, So I,m gonna reboot just for the heck of it & see what it does,,,Thanks again,,,Cowboy

OK krit86lr,,,You rock,,,I was able to get rid of all of it,,,I know it probably didn,t make sence But I have spent 8 months getting a perfectly clean puter & those were the only items left,,,Question is ,, should i keep that on my desktop,,I noticed its got alot of options I,m kind of afraid I might play with it & get rid of something I shouldn,t,,,Thanks again,,,Till the next problem,,Cowboy

I DID have acro7 but I uninstalled it & tryed to delete anything because it or something with it was infected,,,these are the only remnants left,,,& I want them gone,,Thanks again Cowboy

if your REALLY worried about it you could try to install it again then do a full remove. it might ask at one point.

i would try krit86lr's suggestion first and use this as a last resort.

if your REALLY worried about it you could try to install it again then do a full remove. it might ask at one point.

i would try krit86lr's suggestion first and use this as a last resort.

What suggestion? I only helped him repair his permissions. I forgot about the adobe thing... :blink:

Should i keep that on my desktop? I noticed its got alot of options. I'm kind of afraid I might play with it & get rid of something I shouldn't.

Are you talking about Dial-A-fix? If so, it's really up to you whether or not to keep, but it isn't dangerous so I would not encourage you to be worried about it. But do whatever makes you more comfortable. There isn't any reason to use it unless you have pinpointed a problem and know which settings to use to fix the problem. ;)

OK krit86lr,,,You rock,,,

Actually, DjLizard rocks for creating such an awesome tool for all of us to use. :)