Sony To Pay You $150 For CD Rootkit Scandal

Remember that Sony Rootkit DRM Scandal a little while back? The one that boned your computer with a rootkit when you put in a CD with Sony's DRM on it? Well, Sony's just agreed to pay out $150 to customers to "repair damage done" when they tried to remove the rootkit.

Also, they need to provide an uninstall tool and patches to repair any damage done by their rootkit and display it on their website.

Gizmodo article

Yahoo article

$150 USD is just a slap on the wrist to a company with the wealth of Sony. Also a uninstaller/patch now being available is awful late.

Need some advice here I think.

A couple of months ago while copying CDs to use in the car, I got the warning about "active content".

Knowing even less than I know now, I thought what ? its only a CD. I`m offline. Well, having read now about rootkits has got me wondering about that CD. And I`ve no idea which CD it was, but like everyone else, I have plenty of Sony albums.

How can I find out if that CD was this Sony "malware" ?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Run a rootkit scanner.

Download Blacklight beta HERE and save it to your desktop.

Run the program, accept statement > click next then scan

When its finished scanning exit the program and post back the log if it detects hidden files, The log is called 'fsbl-<date/time>.log' which will save to the same location as the blbeta.exe file.

provides a link to an uninstaller and info about how to use it.

"Top Questions" question number 12 tells how to tell if your system has the rootkit

I am also going to download Blacklight beta.

Thanks for the quick response and the links. :rolleyes:

Will let you know.
