Some .tmp files

Are these .tmp files safe to delete: NTUSER.DAT.tmp & UsrClass.dat.tmp?

NO, NO, NO, they're part of the registry of your user profile, leave them alone.

Why those are .tmp files, if they are so important?

Why those are .tmp files, if they are so important?

Check under the sub heading RESOLUTION

Another reason why CCleaner should never clean ALL tmp files like alot of cleaners do

Another reason why CCleaner should never clean ALL tmp files like alot of cleaners do

Even EasyCleaner ignores those registry .tmp files and it finds .tmp files all over a hard disk. Those particular .tmp files shouldn't be messed with at all. Any cleaning program that wants to remove them should receive a bug report to the developer, and/or should be uninstalled because it isn't safe to use.

Strangely enough I was once cleaning a computer and AntiVir stated that ntuser.dat.tmp was infected with something and either disinfected or removed the file altogether, strangely after rebooting nothing out of the ordinary happened and the system operated normally.

Any cleaning program that wants to remove them should receive a bug report to the developer, and/or should be uninstalled because it isn't safe to use.

ZSoft Uninstaller's (mentioned in another thread) Temp file finder list also those NTUSER.DAT.tmp & UsrClass.dat.tmp files. It is not an actual cleaning program though.. Basicly same as typing *.tmp to Windows Search. Many people still can delete them as junk files.. <_<

I now love ZSoft Uninstaller, however I don't see the use of it's Temp Finder especially with good freeware junk cleaners like CCleaner, EasyCleaner, and Disk Cleaner.